Fingers shook. A slight tremble running down her arm. One arm wrapped around her stomach. She slowly felt herself slipping down the length of the thin wall of her bathroom. A white harmless stick dangling from fingertips. On that stick was a pronounced pink plus sign. It was the fourth test. They had all come out the same. Pink plus signs. One even had double pink plus signs as if Ariadne hadn't been sure. Tossing the stick aside. Knees were brought to her forehead. Arms wrapping tightly around her shins. The thoughts of the last few weeks rushing back to her.
Ker paced the length of her living room. He was yelling, screaming in a low angry voice. Ariadne watched him pacing yelling at her. She frowned uncaring at him. One brow arched high on her forehead. He was giving her some kind of lecture about the vampire. The vampire; Her vampire. She was half listening. One hand rubbing the side of her neck where he had slipped his fangs into her among other things. She didn't tell Ker that it was more than blood that Azrael took from her. It was pointless to say anything while Ker ranted on about The Vampire.
"Your putting us all in danger! I thought we decided you were never going to see him again! You lied to me Rad!"
Looking up she gave him a half smirk. "Already your trying to control me. We aren't even married Ker. I'll have you know that I went to get more inform..."
She had stopped talking, rising her hands in surrender, then she did the push away motion. "You're right, I lied. I saw him again." Standing up she headed towards her room. "I'm going to go hunt tonight. Stay or go if you want. I need to get out of here."
He grabbed her forearm then, spun her around. The sound of flesh hitting flesh when his hand came to slap her across the face. White opal eyes went wide in shock. Her body reacted before she thought about it. Shoving him away from her. Ker pulled her back. His strength over powering her when he pulled her closer to his chest. "Let me go!" She called out. His fingers dug deeper into her forearms. She knew there would be bruises there in the morning.
Pinning her hands he grabbed her face with one of his larger hands. Her face was forced upwards tilting it so he could smash his lips against her own. "I can't take it anymore Rad! You are a tease. We sleep in the same bed pretending! Pretending to do what I'm sure you did with that vampire! I can smell him all over you!"
Dragging Ariadne back, the door slammed against the side of the wall, making a dent where the knob connected against the wall. She was struggling. Her body turning this way and that. Knees came up only to have them blocked. It was a little useless to fight one of the men who knew all her moves. They had trained together for years. He would know everything that she would do.
The mattress hit her squarely on her back. Ker pushed her knees aside forcefully. Tiny wrists were smashed together by the pressure of one of his larger hands. The other moved quickly down the length of her body to pull at the sweat pants she wore. Struggling to lift her hands. She tried kicking him only to be stopped. There was only one moment of freedom before Ker's hand came to her face. Ariadne's vision became a blur and soon it was gone.
Hours or minutes had passed. She was not sure until she saw a clock. The side of her head hurt, her body was sore. Lifting one hand from the bed she touched the side of her face. A sharp intake of breath when the flesh responded. It was swollen and puffy. Parts of her body felt sore, aching. Parts that shouldn't be sore. Her throat went tight. She didn't want to look down her body. The feel of something moist between her legs and the cooler air hitting her gave Ariadne enough to go on.
Standing slowly she removed what she had been wearing. Everything was tossed to the side of the garbage can. She needed a shower. That was all her mind could think about. Get in the shower. Some part of her mind she knew she was going into shock. Right now, she welcomed the numbness. Welcomed it before she had to remind herself of the horror that happened.
A week later Ker was found gone. His trailer was cleaned out, only a stack of cash was left on his counter with Ariadne's name on it. She hadn't been seen in over two weeks. Not answering her door for anyone till night fall. Cheek pressed to the cool title wall. Her mind reliving the nightmare. She was allowing herself to remember.