The hand full of cards were slammed to the table. Causing the ashtrays and bottles to jump some. The empty ones falling over. Laughter soon followed suit.Tri colored hues moved over the small vampire then to the Capt.
"How do yall do it! I was sure I had the hand to win. Damn glad I'm not betting money against yall. I'm sure you two are using glamour on us!"
Silent would laugh and she nudged the lizard man who sat at her side .Silent had found herself spending more and more time amongst the outcast of the carnival.They made her feel at home.Long fingers would curl around the bottle of fae wyne. She still hadn't heard from Llydia...She was kinda disappointed...But not that she could blame the woman.
Shaking her head she would sip from the bottle looking at those who were in the smoke filled room..The lizard man who was currently nuzzling his way into the bearded lady's breast..She couldn't help but blush some. She had become all but a nun these days. Shaking her head she would shuffle the deck for the next round as Sam and his chubby little fingers raked in the treasures of cigars,cigarettes, bras and whatever else was in the large pile of goods.
"So I was thinking that we should do something together for the grand opening of the asylum...Perhaps a parade in town...Like a dark carnival? Maybe between You and Vasha, Capt....We can make the night magical. Have her Carrion delivers the inventions?"
Silent and Samson had been planning for the great opening..Silent found herself excited. Stretching she would rest one of those long legs on the table top as she leaned back one of the capt's cigars resting between her lips .A smirk resting on her lips.
The only thing that could of made this night better would be her Ulfric. Standing she would grab up the bottle of wyne.
"Well kids. Its been nice..But Damn me if Samson hasn't robbed me. So I'm gonna head back to the Asylum."
She would press against against the Ol Fae's cheek before leaving the tent and its laughter and happiness.In the haze and shiny world that the wyne made.