Humans lived a life of convience, what could they do to make an easy job easier. But today Loke was thankful for that convience. The TV remote sat in her hand as she flicked wildly through the channels not even really seeing what she was passing. It was only to pass the time. Today was not a great day, but not a bad day. When the knock came at the door she nearly bolted out of her skin. The off button was hit on the remote as she headed toward the door at top speed. Skidding to a halt she openned the door with a grin. A local supermarket had a wonderful delivery program, where Loke didn't have to leave the comfort of her home to go food shopping. As lazy as that sounded, it wasn't as lazy as she could be. She directed the men in and had them set up the multitude of full boxes on the tables and on the kitchen floor.
Once everything was settled into the kitchen she signed the delivery paper, offering the two men both large tips. With a wave she closed the door behind them and went right to work. Like a tornado she pawed through the box, setting the food in it's places in the shelves, in the cubbard and most of the packed meat in the deep freezer.
Feet stomped on the boxes breaking them down so they could be tied up and left outside with the recycling trash, she started in on the cooking. The smells of food cooking would drift in and out of the house. Over her shoulder hung a towel and already her clothing was spattered with food. Puppy had finally made his way downstairs from someone's room, who knew and plopped in the sunshine pouring in the back glass window, sprawling out and watching her move around the kitchen. None of the were's could be parents but it being Mother's Day gave her the urge to at least celebrate something. They could celebrate there mother's even if Loke's own mother was a deceitful, hateful bitch.
Baked Beans, potatoe salad, macaroni salad, burgers, steak, chicken, all thrown on the BBQ. Even if no one was home to enjoy the food, with the large amount of food she was creating there would be at least some left overs for a while.