Stabbing pain in the center of her forehead, it always came, no matter how much she ran from it. As soon as her eyes closed there it was… waiting for her… The needles shoved into her skull, pincers grasping her eyelids and keeping them open, as they put drops that felt like acid in her dry eyes. Struggling she tried to rip them off, but her hands were strapped to the table where they held her. Always so careful to leave no marks on her body, except for those little crimson dots, where the needles exited.
Electricity ran through her slender, small frame, making her convulse violently. At first she clenched her teeth, promising she would not scream, they could not make her scream. Yet, as always, they won… The screams came, after just a few moments. Her body on fire and all she could hold on too was that image of the coyote, she had seen in the geographic magazine. It had looked wary, cunning and free.
Through the pain, she felt something soft. It was so out of place in this world of harsh painful nightmares, that it shook her out of her troubled slumber. Bolting up into a sitting position on the box spring mattress in the room that Cologiro had told her was now hers. A scream was choked off and she could feel her throat raw, from screaming. She knew that the one she had given at aweakening had not been the first, nor would it be the last.
The pillow that had been hers was rags and feathers on her lap, and in her hands. Hands that shook so hard, her whole body followed, rattling her teeth. The pain was coming again. She knew this, it always came again, making her never forget what happened when she closed her eyes. Her punishment for forgetting, for seeking out solace and peace.
Skin began to bubble and she knew that the change was coming, she could not control it. Not when she had awakened with the screams. She knew her body was about to tear apart, literally, and be put together in a different way. There would be warmth and comfort after, but first it would be the blinding pain of being remade.
“ Nightmare comes, its not real…. Nightmare comes…. Its not real…. “
-*Those awful screams drew her in, and she had slipped from bed and padded towards the room that Cologrio had put Mimic into. Alyce was curious of course, given what she was maybe there was no surprise there, but it was also genuine concern that drew her towards the room that the screams were coming from. Then, just as she reached the door the screams stopped abruptly. Alyce paused with her hand on the door handle and put her ear to the door. No sound came forth and she was about to turn away when a strange scent reached her.*-
-*Letting go of the knob she raised her hand up and knocked lightly at the door twice. There was no responce, but that smell was getting stronger. It was similar to some lycanthropes, but stronger somehow. Definetly an animal scent, but there was more to it than that. The smell had her beast confused, it's tail lashing back and forth in agitation as she tried to figure out what could be going on inside the room.*-
"Mimic. It's Alyce. Sweetie are you okay?"
-*No answer*-
"Mimic, I'm going to come inside. I just want to check on you."
-*Like a person in a horror movie Alyce reached for the knob of the door and slowly turned it. She even looked the part of a scream queen with those large well shaped breasts and long tan legs, her blonde hair as perfect and soft as silk. At any moment you might expect to see a man with a knife come out of the shadows for her. When she opened the door it was no axe wielding maniac she saw but something else*-
Door opened so silently that what greeted Alyce’s eyes was not disturbed. And what would be seen by the female leopard was nothing short of a nightmare. She had pulled herself off the box spring mattress. Curled on the floor, skin tore, as if hundreds of sharp invisible knives slashed across the thin girl. Her screams had stopped only because she could scream no longer.
Everywhere the skin broke, silver fur arose, peppered with black. Slick with a clear liquid. Bones snapped, face contorted in agony, as it lengthened. Teeth bursting into jaws, and finally a muzzle. Muscles lengthened, tore and shortened. Fingers curled in and paws emerged. Until finally the form of the coyote, panted in a puddle of blood and clear liquids.
The animal panted, clearly exhausted. The flashes of her nightmare still pressing into her brain, slowly shoved back, into the recesses of the human psyche, that was no shoved to the back. The animal was there, her memories, her life, her freedom. The sharper senses alerted her that there was someone else there. And those odd eyes looked back at the figure in the doorway. Green and brown, the only remnants of the girl she had been. Her anchor to become herself again.
A soft little whine drifted from her muzzle, while she slowly backed up into the bed. Waiting for the horrified reaction. it’s the way it had been before, the way she had escaped. They could not hold her, they had not known how, as her skin ripped apart and fell away to leave a creature behind. She licked at the puddle, of her other self, cleaning the remains, taking them into herself, once again. All the while waiting for Alyce to either faint straight away, or start screaming hysterically.
She would not blame her, it was not a pretty sight she had come into. And it would take her a better part of a day to shift back to herself. Shifting was not easy, and so far she only did it when she panic’d. But she did not think she was a werewolf as the tales went, it did not seem to be a thing of the moon. She had been told she was a shifter, but she did not understand what that was either.
Another soft whine, left her. Her humanity had not retreated, had not been taken over by the beast, she just had its memories, its feelings and natural reactions. But the mind was all hers, she only chose to let the instincts of the beast take over, while she sought the comfort of its power.
-*Slender hand lifted to cover her mouth as those pretty lips made an o-shape of surprise. The screaming and fainting didn't happen though that probably would have been funnier. Instead Alyce watched in stunned silence. The shift wasn't exactly like what she'd seen from other leopards but it was similar enough that it didn't send her right around the bend.*-
"Cologrio." -*Calling to the Nimir-Raj she tried to keep her voice light and airy so as not to upset the coyote/wolf/dog thing in front of her. Inside her body she could feel the rumblings of her own beast as it's leopard tail twitched from side to side with agitation. That agitated feeling bubbled through her and made her hands play nervously against the elastic at the legs of her little boy shorts she'd been sleeping in.*- "Cologrio. I think you should come here."
-*Teeth bit at her lower lip nervously as the animal began to whine trying to figure out whether or not this was a kill or be killed kind of situation. Fur rubbed against her insides as her beast pressed at the surface of her skin fighting for control of their form. Alyce curled her toes up against the wood floor as she fought quietly for that control.*-
-*A hand lightly swatted against the smooth length of her thigh and she made small kissing noises with her full lips just like calling a dog. At that point she figured there were two choices. Either she could see if the beast was friendly and take it for a walk so it didn't pee on the rug, or the beast was going to attack her and she would shift and they would fight and it would be a big mess. Guess they'd see which it was to be. In the back of her mind she remembered the day she had told Col that she wanted a pet dog. Funny how things turned out.*-
There are a few distinct differences between wolves and coyotes, while they look very much a like, the first is heavier and more aggressive, the second, is leaner and prefers not to be outright confronted. They will fight if they have too, but prefer to run, if the choice is theirs.
She could feel the other predator in the woman. The danger and in her mind distrust. Knowing she was in another, larger predator’s territory. She was caught in the room, but as Alyce held the door open she saw her opportunity. As the coyote, she did not simply shift letting the animal side of her take over. There was no animal side. She became the animal, nearly completely, with its memories, its feelings, its needs and its instincts.
Now there was the need to run, the need to escape, feel the wind in her fur, the ground pounding in the pads of her paws. Night beaconed beyond, the coyote was nocturnal, and so she wanted out, to hunt and roam, and have plenty of space, in case of a fight.
He had said she was free to come and go, and now, as Alyce stood there, softly calling to her, as if to a puppy, she bolted. The nails on her paws making that clicking sound on the ground, as she rushed at Alyce, not to attack, but to slip past her legs and into the hallway. She moved with a frantic pace, looking for an opening to slip out of. An open window… knowing the doors were closed.
Of course she would wonder if she would still be welcomed back, now that they knew. Now that Alyce had seen a small bit of what she was capable of… A deep sad howl lifted to the nearly moonless night…