She didn't really realize how tired she was until she'd stepped foot into the house. All the familiar smells of home washed over her, only this time she wasn't filled with rage at the fact that she was broke, at least for now.
Chapman tossed her helmet onto her bed, and took a shower to wash away the smells of the fashion show and the steriod-abusing security guards. She didn't stop until she was satisfied that she only smelled of herself. Finally, feeling clean, she slid on her around-the-house jeans and wifebeater, leaving the guns and holsters on her bed. The Agiel stayed around her neck though as she braided her hair.
Llidya listened to the sounds of the house around her as she moved to the kitchen, hearing some movement from above. The scent of Loke was a little stronger, and a small shrill of excitement rose through her. Maybe that meant she was back. She didn't see her bike out front though, so she was probably riding around town or something.
Llidya sat in the kitchen for all of thirty minutes before her head started to bob, and the lack of sleep from the week before, and the constant pressure of pain finally took it's toll. With eyes half closed and barely picking up her feet, Llidya moved into the nearest bedroom and collapsed on the bed, looking forward to waking up next to fellow wolves, and wondering when Memphis and Silent would finally get finished with what they were doing so they could get up bright and early for training.
The smell of freshly ground coffee beans made the kitchen of the pack house aromatic in a way that only carefully constructed commercials ever have a chance of seeming. He had woken early, as usual, though he hadn't really had much in the way of fitting sleep. It was just too tempting knowing Llidya was back in the house, and part of him wanted to shake her awake and make her tell him what had been happening. The initial urge to do so wore off and he let her sleep and recover from her journey home.
It was a journey many people had been making recently, new faces and old coming back into the pack house, welcomed with joy and a sense of peace. Yet somehow he felt disconnected from all of it. There and yet strangely not a part of any longer. Regardless of that feeling he was in his own quiet way happy to see Loke commiserating with the other wolfs, and see Anya and Toshi finding their footing in this new place, and now Llidya finally back again.
Bringing his mug up he took a long slow sip of the delightfully strong brew, its rich aroma filling his senses a moment as the heat burned its way down his asophagus. That burn was good, a little bit of pain as the high dose of caffeine spiked his system. In the kitchen he could hear someone moving around, probably Murphy making breakfast for everyone. Moments later the smell of frying bacon and biscuits cooking added to the smell of his coffee.
Lifting an arm he checked his wrist, it was almost seven, which to him wasn't really early, but he was wondering if he could now safely awaken Llidya. Just then though he felt her, movement from another room, and the spill of her energy as she awakened. Looking up from where he sat at the kitchen table he kept his lightning kissed eyes trained on the doorway of the room she was in waiting for her to join him. Maybe over breakfast she could fill him in on where the Freki and Lupa were, and what had happened while they were all in Salem.
To say she was glad to be back would be a complete understatement. It was better then anything in the world to be back in the safety and comfort of the pack house. The smells alone where completely... well, there was no real words to describe what the smells did for her. Despite the nightmares that still plagued her sleep, she found now with the meditation she didn't suffer from the irritablity or crankiness usually associated with them. Anya and Toshi where that gentle reminder of a support system being there in case things got a big hectic. Either way, the regime that Anya had instilled in her when she was still in Tibet lingered. So she rose before the sun, had left the house and sat outside mediating. There really wasn't much too it, simply sitting on a folded square of thick cotton blanket and putting herself in a very quiet place.
It wasn't until the sun rose and warmed her skin to the bones that she was drawn out of the mediation. With the blanket over her shoulder and feeling like she could conquer the day she headed back to the packhouse. The shiney black bike that sat under the protective tarp in the backyard called to her like a siren. Begging her to slid on to the leather seat and feel the wind on her face, in her hair. Perhaps after she changed into something more suitable. PJ pants and a t-shirt where hardly clothing that could be useful for the rest of the day.
Slipping in the back door she was greeted by the smell of food and coffee and the pack. Fingertips closed the door behind her with a faint hiss of the door on the track before she looked up at Ash drinking his coffee. The smile on her face was whimsicle, knowing. As if she had some secret that only she knew the answers too.
"Morning Ash." At present she was overly eager to see everyone over and over again. That first glance each time she found a pack member since she had returned had made her want to just wrap them up in a hug and squeeze. She moved over to his side but paused her fist raised to give him a playful punch to his shoulder. Her head tilted faintly as she sniffed at the air.
Electric fire raced through her veins at Llids scent and she found herself smiling even wider. "Llids back!" Arching up on her toes she gave her Ulfric a quick rub of her cheek, sneaking in a quick one armed hug just because she couldn't help it before she was off toward Llid's room. She paused outside of it, unaware that Ash was waiting for her to emerge and knocked softly speaking in a voice that was a bit too loud to be a whisper.
"Llids, you awake?" The black bitch within Loke seemed content, if that was the word that could fit it's mood. The trip to Tibet had mellowed the beast out, soothed away the viviousness and over eager need to split her skin at times. She had finally learned the meaning of "mellowing out".
-Rome was familiar to her, as it was to anyone who had studied what she had and spent years on grant research trying to be allowed excavation rights to some of the cities ruins. Not to mention the world of knowledge held in the Vatican. Yes, Rome was familiar, but it had not yet become home. Her heart yearned for the quiet solace of her temple garden, but she was attempting to be one with the land here.-
-Each day she rose to greet the new dawn and took a slow walk through the lands beyond the pack house. As her feet touched the ground she spread her beasts awareness out to all that she touched, marking it in a way with her passage to connect it to herself. The birdsong in the trees spoke even in the cool brush of day, and she felt peace that came from within regardless of her surroundings.-
-As Anya made her way back towards the pack house she could almost feel the stir of energy from within, and her beast reacted. Recognizing the sacredness of such a place, this den was more than just a house. Moving inside she paused to brush her bare feet against the roughness of the door mat so as not to track any dirt or debris inside before moving on in.-
-The smell of breakfast made her taut stomach clench beneath the breezy fabric of her white button down shirt. Food was always a good idea, or so the beast told her, but she was not yet used to the kind of food they ate here, her system still accustomed to the simple fare she had eaten in Tibet. As her orange hued eyes caught sight of the Ulfric settled in with his coffee a quiet smile spread across her wide thin lips, but she left him with Loke long enough to go into the kitchen and pour herself a cup of the same.-
"Namaste Murphy."
-Offering a flash of that smile to the wolf who was cooking breakfast she moved past her and let her long fingers trail against the womans dark hair. They had met only once before, but they were pack. In that simple touch was carried her scent and a brush of her beast. Respecting this pack member as she would them all. Pulling a mug down from one of the cabinets she filled it with the thick black brew and then carried the drink back out to sit with Ash awhile.-
"Give me a shout if I can help you."
-Once she reached the table a chair was pulled out and she settled into it, glancing over her shoulder once to see Loke's figure headed towards a bedroom. Her orange-violet eyes watched the woman a long moment then she turned back to Ash. Though she was oblivious that he had been waiting for something she noticed an agitated edge to his energy, but chose not to point it out.-
"Namaste Ulfric, are you staying in for breakfast today? Or will we be losing you to the office?"
-The loose silk pants she wore were soft against her skin as she lifted one leg to curl beneath her in the chair. At over six feet tall she had a lot of leg to go around, but she was comfortable as she sat in that curled half lotus pose sipping her coffee.-
Metallica's Enter The Sandman accompanied by the London Symphony Orchestra spilled from the Bose sound dock mere minutes after she rolled out of bed. Her keen senses picked up the scents and sounds of movement outside her door, and Llidya cranked up the noise just as there was a light tapping, a light rapping at her chamber door. So she missed it entirely.
There was nothing like electric guitars harmonizing with cellos to brighten up a possibly dreary day. The sound of one of her nicknames floated through a riff and Llidya turned, a grin on her face as she moved to the door. She yanked it open with a quickness, dropping her attentions from getting her hair done up proper in it's usual regime.
The red-head nearly tackled the Hawaiian woman, the wolf following suit to Loke's black bitch in an all playful manner. The shorter woman was lifted in a hug. There was relief and happiness in her Bahamas-clear water hues as she finally set her down, grinning down to her. "You're back. I mean, I knew you were back, I just hadn't seen ya. How was Tibet? Did you get a wrinkly old monk to train ya like I did? And where the hell is Rad B?"
She didn't have to look. She knew he was sitting there in a suit, hand around a cup of coffee, watching her with those electric hues. Llidya was almost afraid to look, afraid that if she did she wouldn't look away. As a matter of fact, she knew she wouldn't. Instead, she dragged her eyes to Murphy, giving her a wave as she blindly made her way to the kitchen table and sat down across from him, giving a nod to Anya, a woman she didn't know.
"Morning. Name's Chapman." Llidya held out her hand in greeting to give the woman's a friendly shake. Llidya lowered her gaze to the table and adjusted heself in the seat, slouching back into it some before she dared to look past the coffee mug. Up his arm, past his shoulder and she met his gaze, that edgy giddiness she felt intensifying.
It wasn't bad. It was all good, the butterflies she got everytime she looked at him. She was just better at hiding it usually. He looked too stern, and she wanted to smooth the lines from his eyes. Not that it made him look old, just more handsome. Llidya took only a moment to pretend they were there alone, sitting across from each other for their first meeting again this side of the pond. But the moment only lasted a few seconds before the happy sounds and smells of pack encroached again.
That sometimes infuriating Chapman smirk curved her lips as she looked at him, that look in her gaze that she knew idiosyncrasies of the universe that had been told only to her.
The laugh that errupted out of her lips was pure and happy as she eagerly curled her arms around Llids for a long hug. She nuzzled her cheek against Llidya's before she pressed a chaste kiss to her cheek. Her eyes stung but she managed to keep from blubbering like a jack ass. She released the taller woman and those sharp teeth where fully exposed in her grin.
"My goodness, that's a lot of questions. Lets get coffee later okay? Or something sweet. I gotta get my ass in gear and head to my attorney's office and get my stuff back in line. Thanks for the letter, you'll have to explain about it. Some of it I didn't get. By the way, did you see the dog I brought back? Speaking of which, I have to go wake his lazy tail up and get him outside before he pee's in my room."
With another kiss to Llid's cheek she dashed off, her spirits nearly flying as she disappeared into her room to get the dog named "Puppy".
Loke's nudge to his shoulder was an...interesting...manner of greeting. He didn't particularly like it, but then again he wouldn't have been overjoyed about a hug either so he simply chose to let it go. The house seemed to be awakening all on its own, movement and voices beginning to trickle in from all around. It was a good feeling to have the house so alive, though he was surprised at how many people were up and about so early. A very different way from the old pack who had all been certain to sleep in until late morning. But all things must change eventually.
"Morning Loke."
Returning the greeting came almost at the same instant Loke exclaimed about Llid being back and went off running towards the door that he'd been watching. A soft sigh was released from between generous lips as he saw Loke rush off. The fact only meant that his talk with Llidya would be put off until some other time when he could somehow manage to get her alone. But he was patient enough when it counted, after all when you have a possible eternity ahead of you there seemed little point in rushing the day.
Anya's scent came clear on the air and he turned to face her as she took a seat next to him at the table. Watching her was so strange. Fifteen years had passed since the last time they had seen one another, and she looked so much the same, but it was clear that beneath the surface she was not the same woman or wolf he had known before. Whatever had happened to her in the interim she was much less tumultuous to be close to than before.
That clipped british accent caressed the words, his voice rough with the dryness of that morning cup of coffee. He was glad she was there, and his beast reveled in the serenity of her snow white beast. Just a touch of sadness lingered in the bright blue of his gas flame eyes. Sadness at the familiarity of that white beast, of the other white wolves who had come and gone. But thoughts of Lyric and Sirus were pushed aside for the moment in favor of concentrating on the present.
"No office today. I have other business to attend to." Buisness like going to see Marcus, talking to Llidya and seeing to some other pack issues. "Is Toshi settling in alright?"
Ash hadn't really gotten any face time with the newest wolf, the man seemed shy to an incredible degree. But the Ulfric was content to let Toshi adjust at his own speed, trusting that Anya was looking after the man. When they were joined at the table by Llidya he adjusted himself in his seat, turning just enough to keep both the blonde and red head in his sights at once. When he spoke it was to Anya, but those electric blues were trained on Llids face.
"Her name is Llidya. Don't let the militant greeting confuse you."
As his eyes studied her face he felt the tumult of emotions from her beast, those primal things that could be picked up by him. Some of it showed in her face, some she was better at hiding. There was only a moment, one moment and that was all it took to see that not much had changed. That smirk plastered itself on Chapmans lips and somehow that meant it was all okay. Strange how that worked.
"This is Anya. She's come back from Tibet with Loke and another new wolf."
Llidya nodded towards Anya, her gaze never leaving his.
"See ya later Loke." She called after the black bitch, turning her attention to Anya, but only with the direction of her voice. "Nice to meet you Anya. New wolf. Can't wait to meet him." She bobbed her head a little to the music, regarding Ash. "So no office today eh? Care for some company?"
She had so much to say to him, and yet was happy to sit here and say nothing at all.
-She looked from one to the other of them at the table. Stargazer colored orange and violet eyes looking Llidya over before returning to Ash. Only a simple nod was given in responce to the introduction. She made a small 'hmmm' sound from between her lips as she saw the looks on teir faces.-
"I think I'll leave the two of you to...." -Her words drifted off not sure how to finish that sentence. She knew there was something weighted between them, but no idea what it was.- "...a hot shower is calling me. It's been a very long time since I stayed somewhere with hot running water. I could get used to it."
-Pushing her chair back from the table she took her mug of coffee with her and on quiet feet the archeologist amazon moved away from the table. She didn't mind giving them a chance to talk on their own. With a slight bow of respect to the Ulfric she left, but she didn't move away until that respect had been shown. Then she was off to experience the joys of indoor plumbing and water heaters. Maybe afterwards she would see if one of the other wolves could drive her into town.-