Carmelita had been doing her thing. Working with Angel at the occult store...And in her spare time trying to cross breed the plants that Milo had. Trying to find that potent high that lycans could love. So far it had been failed attempt after attempt. Left Karma wishing for the witches. Missing them. Never truly knowing what happened back on the island..And well..She was to afraid to ask...Not after the images she saw on the news after they landed in London. Not after she saw how sad the Master Marcus and Evie had been in those days that had followed.
But even all that seemed like a life time ago. How fast things had changed. How Karma went from the lil bomber mouse who worked for Sera..And was best friend to Tommy...To now leading quite the boring life..Working at the occult store with Angel...But it wasn't anything like the fun times that had happened in Salem..Or hawaii for that matter.
And it just seemed like her king and queen were busy doing..Well the thoughts just made Karma blush like crazy. And well the new rat...Karma wasn't sure about him he seemed nice enough...But he wasn't Tommy...And she missed him like crazy. Of course there was Knox. Karma couldn't help but smile. Oh yes the crush still burned hot for the alpha rat. Doubt it would of ever faded. Hell Karma still found herself sneaking into his room and curling up next to him in the middle of the night.
Yes if anyone knew how to have some fun..It would be him. Pushing her laptop away she would send the last email to Sera and Tommy...Before running down the hall to Knox's room. Knock Knock Knock...Peeking in she would find the room empty...Where could he be? Lifting her head some she would sniff at the air.
-Knox had been coming back from the kitchen at about the time Karma started down the hallway. Seeing her going to his room made him smile big. Mouth full of chewed up Twinkie his teeth showed in that feral smile. For a tall lanky son of a bitch he could move quietly when he wanted to. Still, the laces on his high tops were untied and they made tiny slapping noises against the floor, carpet muffled it though which was probably why Karma didn't notice. Once she was left standing in the doorway of his empty room he pounced.-
-Long gangly arms draped around her waist and he lifted the red head right off her feet, jostling her roughly. From his mouth came a sound like BWAHHHHH!!! And he laughed when he heard her squeak in fright at the sudden attack. She would be able to feel a distinct hardness from the region of his pants, but not to fear. It was only the large flask in the pocket of his Dickie's. For the moment anyway. More jostling and she might get another surprise.-
"Time to go Red."
-Bending slightly he pulled her up over his shoulder to carry her like a prisoner of war. They'd all been staying in the house way too much and he liked the nightlife, he liked to party. It was time to get out and cause some trouble.-
"Let's go to the horse races. Then find a bar and see if we can encite a riot."
-Knox was the perfect junior version of his Rat King. Tall, wild, unruly. There was nothing tame about him. As he carried the poor captive rat back down the hallway he pushed the last of his Twinkie into his mouth and swallowed it down with a chug from the flask. Balancing Karma on his shoulder all the while.-
Karma didnt even get a chance to catch his scent..Or even hear him coming. One moment she was gonna try and be sneaky and hunt him down she was wrapped up in both the arms and smell of Knox. Squeaking would be a understatement of the year..What she did could of woken the dead. Sure Karma was all about Knox...But normally when he slept. Mainly when he slept. Then he wasnt all grabby grabby.
The moment she felt that "Hardness" Pale freckled cheeks became bright red...Almost if not redder then her hair. Did she know it was a flask? No...But it didnt stop the comment that came next.
" Please tell me thats a object of mass distruction and not what I think it is"
And Karma would be come more red. That damn blush was all the way down her neck. But she was laughing some.Only to to be thrown over his shoulder...Oh god oh god. Hands would smack against his butt. Bare feet hanging from under those ugly green army pants she loved. Sure Karma had a closet full of the latest and most pretty things that Barbie could find...But when it came down to it?
Karma usually was found in that second hand beat up clothes she had got back in Salem.
"Ok ok. Shooooeeesssss then we go!"
Karma would laugh. As well as bite Knox's shoulder/back when he bent down to grab her shoes. Hey she wanted to go paint the town red..And now she was....Her heart was racing a million miles a hour as the headed out...Karma just hopped the night wouldnt end with another mighty mouse tattoo on her butt.