-Since leaving the Island Shane had been getting itching. Sure seeing Deliverances tongue ripped out was worth the price of admission, but she was hungry for more. Bless her icy heart but she fed on the depraved. There was too much on her mind, too many twisting paths going through her head telling her things she didn't need to hear. For the first time in awhile she wasn't sure who to trust. Well, Dexter that was a given, and Harley, but beyond that all bets were off. The little stint with Deliverance travelling her land unknown was proof of that. As her icy black eyes narrowed on Nori she wondered about the woman for the first time since they had met. If Nori claimed not to know that she was Shanes property then she was stupider than she let on. The Jap belonged more to Shane by her way of thinking than to herself. She lived because the Kadra found her useful, and she might die one day for that same reason. Somewhere in between though Nori had soft, too long away from the bombs. Oh she still talked a big game, but the human was getting fat around the middle. Too comfortable and content. Apologizing, asking to save another from punishment. It was like Nori had a heart or something. The thought made her want to vomit a little in her mouth.-
"You will go with my Faith. Into the bowelssss of thissss church sssshe is joining. I want ssssomeone to watch her and make ssssure ssshe doesssn't get in over her head. If anything happenssss to her I will be quite put out."
-Eternal Church Faith had called it. Shane handed over the packet of information to Nori. She fully welcomed and expected anything the woman wanted to do with the information. If the church ended up blown to smithereens so be it. As long as Faith got her story and came back out alive. Once Nori left Shane sat in the cold darkness with her thoughts before finally rising to go find Deliverance and make plans for a little visit to the cities Primogen. It was time to settle this one last score. To stake her claim on what was hers in this city before the vampire thought he could take it all. It didn't matter if she was fair, or logical. If it was hers then anyone who got in her way would pay dearly for it. Ignorance of her law was no excuse. She would teach this insipid fools that there were creatures to fear in the darkness besides the vampires. Things far worse than anything they could possibly imagine.-