Candi, the Vampires personal assistant was good at her job, afterall she had to be, Axel had very little time for failure or those that wasted his time. and as such, where Candi to fail him in any way, she would be done with.So, what such an odd letter arrived for her emplyer she was quick to forward it along. The Vampire, who responded to the letter, soon after the sun dipped below the horizon.
Mister Mason, I recieved your letter and thank you for your interest in my services. I must however inform you that it is that I am not often approched to find reprisnetation for those in the industry you find yourself employed. that is not to say that I am unable to assist you. I do however need more information so that I may begin a search. My expertise does however lay in Buiness, and the language of business, What may be well compensated by your standards may not suit the needs of a potential person willing to accept your business. I am willing to assist you, though know my services not the services of potential people I'll have located for you do not come cheap. Should you choose to accept my services inform my assisstant Candi of your schedule and she will attempt to make an appointment so that we may adress your situation further. Thank you.
And Axel hung his phone up. standing from his chair and started towards his assisstants desk." Candi, please find out how it is this person found my information, I rather abhore that any young child with asperations of greatness can so readily reach me." a smile to the woman and Axel left the room, off to do, whatever it is that he did.
.: Something could be at least said for Brandon's dogged determination while he was out out at the post office. He'd chosen that location due to the fact many people came in and out of it daily. Surely someone had heard of a man named Axel. It was an uncommon name for one, and second, men like Axel did receive packages and preferrably letters like his own, perhaps with a different context.
Nothing was presumptuous about Brandon's motives. He had been engaged in the industry for a good year and a half now, making multi-million dollar deals in the blink of an eye. He just was a terrible writer who had difficulty coming to the point in asking for assistance when it came to managing that money coming in. Getting an advance check of $750 K could be problematic when Brandon's piggy bank didn't have enough room. The farm boy did have the smarts to know it needed to be invested somehow. But he never graduated with his Business Administration degree, now did he?
Nope. Because he had to go off to Europe to "discover himself." Even before being discovered for the handsome bloke that he was. So he figured that it would be wise to contact someone in the business field, and the information had come to him word of mouth. He overheard a conversation concerning a man named Axel, and he had to instantly meet this fella. It sounded pretty lame to fire Ace, even though his letter was sincere, he didn't need an agent. He needed someone to help him invest, because a model's shelf life was short, and Brandon wanted to reap the rewards of an acting career sometime in the future.
The phone call was accepted by his voice mail, and the office number was still lit up on his RAZR V3 even though he had to fish for it at the bottom of his model's pack. He called the man's number back, being that steadfast Ozzie boy he was, and although he didn't get to talk to Axel himself, he did talk to his office manager in order to get an appointment this time. He felt somewhat sheepish for even trying to contact the businessman, with the proposal he had need of representation when he already had it. But at least his foot was in the door. He was free until Saturday, when he had a photo shoot for Hugo Boss on Waikiki Beach with supermodel Gisele Bunchden.
He was so famous that his first name was only used, the last name dropped as a definite sign of respect in the fashion industry that his star had risen, and wasn't in any danger of falling soon. A time was penciled in for a meeting with Axel tentatively on Friday, unless something on the businessman's end came up unexpectedly. Until then, all Brandon could do was wait until the meeting and hoped his spokesmodel training could come to the forte' for him, during that meeting. :.