The ground shook, lights flickered on and off and silence decended for a brief moment before a second and third deafening boom followed in quick repitition. Main street was in turmoil. The first loud boom was the explosive going off, followed by the two smaller ones as the main air conditioning unit exploded and then shortly after the main gas line of the building.
Maxine's book store was in complete ruins. Fire sprung from the top of the building as fluttering pieces of ash danced in the night breeze. People's screams errupted as escaping citizens ran for cover of the sudden blaze. It was as if Hawaii was thrust back into war and some unknown enemy had bombed the building. In truth it was simply pure luck the air conditioning exploded.
Safe and in a very public cafe, Nori looked up as if startled by the rest of the patrons at the rummbling under there feet. Had one of the Volcano's errupted, was one person's question, was it a earth quake. Feet moved to the door, Nori being one of them as they crowded outside in case it was a earthquake. But the flames where unmistakable. The building was on fire and burning like Hell had appeared on Earth. She had her alibi, she was in public when it happened. Had been for quite some time, reading a book with a calmness about her.
Under the voices of concern she whispered to the night.