Llidya was asleep for the first time in weeks. All because of Ash, thank the gods. She knew when she saw him, she would have cried if she could. In happiness, in joy, and relief. She barely heard her sister's contemptible voice, or the strange young one that sounded familiar. She was going to focus her tunnel vision on the source but was pushed into unconsciousness by Ash's power.
So she wasn't aware of what was going on. The driver had accepted the British man's money and card, and nodded, climbing back into the truck. He'd taken off, and had arrived at the Thirteen Moons in no time.
He climbed out, his partner following suit. He walked up to the front door of the establishment, and knocked on the door while his partner opened the door to the truck so they could unload the statue.
He glanced back to the truck, and then pulled out the card as the door opened before him. He handed the card over and motioned to the back of the truck. "I got something for Tommy Gnosis...he needs to call this number on this card." He told him. He then turned to move to the back of the truck, hopping up into the back as he started to unload the jade statue. He was glad to be rid of it, frankly. It had been in pristine condition when they'd loaded it up, and now it looked like it was bleeding from tiny cracks over the entirety of it's surface.
It just really weirded him out, and he didn't want to think about it as they lowered the bulk to the ground. It was warm to the touch, and much lighter than it should have been for a solid stone statue. Icing on the freakiness factor. He shuddered as they started moving towards the cafe, carrying it like an unconscious person.
Thirteen moons wasn't actually so open for another two weeks, though that hadn't stopped a steady flow of foot traffic from going through the place. Old friends from Salem mostly, but also a few lookie-loos who couldn't wait to get a peek at the occult shop in the middle of the fashionable district uptown. Marcus had been the one to set them up in town, and Tommy would never actually say it out loud but he kind of doubted the location chosen. In Salem they had been smack in the middle of an ecclectic part of downtown, surrounded by other kitschy stores selling everything from tchachkas to records. Here though they had tourist shops and designer stores around them. Tommy wouldn't question the mans wisdom, but he did miss the old smell of the shop in Salem. That scent that let you know it was a store that had a history. Oh, well. Sera and Blaise would make it their own in time.
Above the store was the apartment Marcus had instructed Adam to renovate for them. A small studio that had all the charms the two of them needed. Tommy and Sera weren't high maintenance. They were young and in love and happy to be anywhere as long as they were together. Blaise and Wendy were in the back room doing...whatever the two witches did when they worked together, and Sera was up in the apartment baking, and Tommy was downstairs brewing himself some tea in the small kitchen set up there for the teashop. Sitting on a stool in his Alice in Wonderland boxers and a white t-shirt he was staring at the bright green tea kettle trying to will it to scream just from sheer want of it. His concentration was so firm that when the knock came at the door he leapt off the stool and almost fell on his face.
Inside his sleek white lab rat was quivering as Tommy peeked around the corner to the front door of the shop. Through the stained glass fitted into the wooden door he could just make out the blurry figures if three people, and smell them as he got closer. Opening the door he opened his mouth to say they were closed when his eyes locked on the statue sitting there. It stunned him into momentary silence as he just gave it worried eyes. He saw a statue, but his beast said it was a person. Smelled like a person that was for sure, and he could feel the hot lycan energy rolling off of it in a way that made his skin crawl. Before he could say anything the man was shoving a card into his hand and the other guy was wheeling the statue in on a dollie with Tommy just floundering ands trying to get out of the way.
"But I don't.....we didn't....I don't know who....we didn't order a statue."
None of it got out very clearly because he was being backed into the store by the dollie which he expected the man would gladly use to wheel right over him if he didn't move. Hard to look tough when you're sporting boxers with a mad hatter and door mouse on them.
"O...okay then. I'll just call the number on the card then." They were already gone when he mumbled. "Great. Just what we need."
He was looking down at the card in his hands as he closed the front door. When he turned around it seemed like the statue was staring right at him and it made him jump a little. Hand lifted and scratched at the back of his head making that shaggy unkempt brown hair fall into his eyes. Backing away from the statue he went behind the counter and grabbed the phone. With fingers that shook just slightly, yeah this thing was freaking him out, he dialed the number on the card.
"Yeah, Ash....errr...Mr. Redfern. This is Tommy. Milos Tommy. Could you....I mean, I have your statue, thingy. It might help if I knew what you want me to do with...." He almost said it but stopped himself. "her. Mr. Ash this isn't just a statue. You know that. Please call me and tell me what you want me to do with her."
By the end of the phonecall he was fully worked up. Tommy had never heard of a statue being alive but if that wasn't what this was then he was lost. Grabbing the broom behind the counter he climbed up to kneel on the counter and banged the handle against the ceiling so Sera could hear him upstairs. It was their little signal. Waiting for her he just sat on the stool and stared at the statue, his beast feeling that wolf inside and staying as far from it as possible. When Sera came in he didn't even look at her, too distracted by the creepy statue.
"Honey, you know I don't like to interrupt the girls when they're working, but.....I think we should."
Cookies, a cake and some muffins were in the stove and on the stove. A smear of flour across one cheek and another smear across her forehead were she pushed at her pesky bangs. Maybe she should put on a head band. That would help wouldn't it? Sera believed so. She grabbed her black head band pushing it over her head. It kept her bangs from her face. Though it wasn't the only thing. It gave Sera a more of a Susie Homemaker look. The brown dress she wore was some Fifty's mock up number, with pockets in the fronts. The apron she wore at little frills at the ends. Even down to her shoes which were brown mary janes. Green eyes with flakes of gold would shift to the door of their studio.
Sera couldn't see anyone there. But she was feeling something. Her aura moved and swirled around like a creature. Normally around Tommy it took shape of a rat. Mirroring his own beast. Her aura was taking shape of a wolf. The one animal she was most scared of. A step back from the door. Sera pushed her fear down. It wanted to swallow her up. She forced her aura, her power into the box she normally kept it in since she had learned how to do it. Nonna showed her how to contain her gift.
The broom banged on the floor. Tommy. Her mind knew it was Tommy. But, her fear had her jumping back as if she had been burned. It took a minute, and then another to realize that she was okay. Tommy wanted her down stairs. Mustering what courage she had, she walked steadily to the door. One hand on the rail of the stairs, carefully taking them one by one. Sera could feel what was down stairs. She felt that wolf, waiting and waiting.
What her eyes saw was a statue. Looking to Tommy she gave him a raised brow. Unsure what to say. Her eyes gave that double blink of just not know what the hell was going on. Edging closer to him, she saw the eyes move! A hand flew to her mouth in shock. It wasn't like the Mona Lisa. This statue was actually moving its eyes.
Tommy's voice was ignored. Her brain working on the fact this thing was alive! How was that possible? Could Blaise and Wendy undo whatever had been done? Head turned, when Tommy finished what he was saying. She was so well shocked by this thing that she didn't catch it all. It took her a few seconds.
"Right! Right, right... Blaise and Wendy."
Heels hurried along to the backroom. The place was built nearly the same as the old one. Of course there was changes to it, such as whatever had been in the original thirteen moons was not in this one.
"Blaise...! Wendy...! You guys have to see this...!"
Fingers curled on the iron door handle. It was some old handle that looked like it belonged sometime in the middle ages. But it fit the large wooden door.
-Blaise never needed an occasion to dress up. Helen Reddy said 'there are no ugly women only lazy ones' and she believed that to be the truth. She was not a naturally beautiful woman, but she did the most with what she had. Hair was always clean and coiffed, soft from the silk products she used in it. At the moment it was styled in a hanging bun netted in red fishnet fabric like something from the forties. The front was styled back in finger waves with an antique ruby hairclip placed to keep it styled properly. Lips were that impeccable fire engine red, bright and shiny with gloss. She kept lashes black and full with mascara, and her eyes shaded perfectly to enhance their natural lynx-like shape.-
-Her style leaned towards the eccentric. Forties and fifties vintage chic. Something she had adopted in high school and never let go of. And heels, she never could go without a pair of cute wedges or fancy shiny stilettos. At the moment she was wearing corkwood wedges with a leopard print strap across the foot, and a leopard print halter dress in red and black. Sitting at her desk she was bent over working on some ward charms, making them into jewelry that was so nice it could have been sold at Tiffanys. She had taken classes in college on sculpture, metalwork, and stone works. Was a liscenced gemologist, and it was one of her favorite mediums for her work. A pair of thin jewelers goggles was worn over her eyes and they gave her a strange old man look as they microscopically increased the size of her brown eyes.-
-Wendy was doing her thing and while they worked they were listening to a speaker tape from one of the countries most well noted scholars of quantum pyhsics and its relationship to works of energy healing and magic recuperation. It was interesting but the girls couldn't help but swap stories and jokes back and forth as they worked and listened. In the time they'd worked together they'd become fast friends, and even though Blaise missed Thea terribly she was happy to have Wendy close.-
-Over the sound of the speaker tape she heard Sera calling and slipped off the goggles. Eyes cut a glance across to Wendy and they shared a look of mingled intrigue and excitement. The sound of Seras voice said clearly something was up. Four stairs led up to the door and in fact it was identical to the shop in Salem except for the noticeable absence of a psychotic spirit called into being by the shops previous owner. Not something she really missed. Coming out of the back room with Wendy her heels click clacked on the wooden floors. Around shelves packed with herbs, crystals, books, and tools she finally came into view of the little gathering at the front.-
"What in the name of Hecate is that?"
-Then she felt it, a life force inside the jade statue. Aw shit. Looked like it was going to be an interesting day after all. Her work would have to wait.-
"Uhh guys I think we should get this into the back. I'm not sure we want many people seeing this thing."
Blue glitter gel pen scribbled the latest weather forecast. A giggle parted her plush lips listening to Blaise talk. Wendy felt like the only witchy witch in town till Blaise came. Now they were the bestest of friends! Finishing her real work. Periwinkle blues would glance to her latest project. Safety glasses were plucked and placed on her face. Pushing the middle section of the glasses with the tips of her pearly blue nails. Index finger tapped at her chin looking at the ingredients for the potion she was working on.
Wendy always wanted to make the real love potion number 9. Hasn't worked yet. She did have a few bottles of Lust, Fear, some weird one that turned the tips of your fingers blue and made you want to eat fried oreos. No Love Potion yet. It was her life goal to make it. Everyone should have love.
"Blaise, you think I have enough rosemary?"
Wendy walked over in her heeled sneaker wedges. Blaise looked so funny in her old man goggles. Making her pretty browns all small. Letting Blaise have a sniff of the curvy pretty glass blue bottle.Then a nod from the dark haired witchy-poo. Wendy gave a bubbly little Yay! The perfume was perfect then! Walking back to her work station. A long stem dropper was set in the bottle. Wrapping a white band around it, labeling it Memory Enhancer. Sera could sell in the shop for the elderly and students that wanted a little boost to help with memories and tests. Her script was pretty. The ink she used was her trade mark pale blue. It let Sera know that it was one of Wendy's creations. Thought it seemed Wendy was the only one so far that made potions. Blaise loved working on her metals and Gems.
"I mixed my half of the ink for Sera and Tommy's tattoo."
Wendy said over Alowishus Patterson's voice. He was simply the best in his field. Rumored to receive a Pulitzer for his work. Wendy was cheering for him. The large wooden door and Sera's voice had both witches looking in that direction. There was something they had to see? Curiosity bubbled. Rubber heels gripped the wooden old floors heading upwards to the main floor. Fingers brushing off the flour on Sera's cheek. Following Blaise into the main room. Eye brows shot up.
"Oh my, now that is a pickle. I think we're going to need more Agrimony and Sage."
One hand stopped at her waist after the initial shock wore off. Gorgeous blond head nodding. Wendy headed to the backroom to bring the dollie. She walked over, careful not to touch anything but the handle of the dollie and sliding her foot underneath to lift the jaded statue.
"This one is gonna take a big spell, Blaise. You think you and I can handle it?"
Wendy talked to the fire woman heading to their laboratory with Miss Jade Statue. There was something awfully wrong with this one.
What were-rat with lycan strength stands by while a woman in sneaker heels has to wheel a heavy statue around? Stepping in he took hold of the dollies handle, shivering slightly as the backs of his hand brushed against the cool jade of the statue. Wierd stuff was going on on this island. As he wheeled the statue into the back room he just sort of spoke out loud in his soft lyrical voice.
"Over a year in Salem and nothing like this. We haven't even opened the store yet and people are dropping off live statues to us. I'm not sure if this is a good sign for business or a bad sign for living on this island."
To get the statue down the steps he had to lay a hand on its shoulder to keep it steady before bouncing the wheels down each step. With each jarring motion he was scared those cracks would break and he would essentially have murdered whoever it was. Ick. Finally inside the room he wheeled it to the middle of the open floor and slid it off the dollie. Leaning in close to the statue he grimaced a bit.
"Uhhh...sorry....ma'am. Y'know for the rough ride and all."
Fingers scratched at the back of his head and sent that brown shaggy hair into disarray.
"And y'know. Sorry your a statue and all."
Feeling like he was going insane he moved away from the statue and scurried back to the downstairs kitchen to check on his tea leaving the girls to look the thing over. Only then did he realize he'd been wandering around this time in his Alice in Wonderland Mad Tea Party boxers shorts. Great. Insult to injury.