"Okay!" Dina burst from the house, a smile on her face, though a furrow in her brow. That had been almost too easy. Sure enough, there'd be someone 'tailing' her, as she liked to call it. Aryca rarely let her go out alone. But she'd sounded distracted as she was trying to get out the door, good for Dina, but what did she have to be distracted about? They'd gone by the warehouse, the place had been empty, so she didn't have to worry about running into Llidya until she got back from whatever mission that Mr. Jarrard had said she'd left on. Hm...curiousities.
It was too bad she was gone too, she'd really wanted to surprise her. Well, if you couldn't find the source...go to the sources friends. Or in this case, work place. Dina considered herself a somewhat amateur gumshoe, but even she didn't know where Llidya liked to hang out. But she knew the officers she worked with would know. So it was off the the Hawaiian Police Department.
"Be careful dear. Be back before nine." It was said loudly enough so that Dina could hear her through the wall. She lowered her voice to so as only to be heard through the microphone of the phonecall. "What do you mean dead?" Voice was raised once more to reply to Dina's attempt at a later curfew. "Ten thirty." She nodded, mostly to herself as Dina agreed before she heard the door close.
"I mean dead. I mean, I don't know. I honestly don't see how she could still be alive Miss Izzano."
Aryca sat back a bit in her office chair, icy cold hues staring stoicly at the image on the video phone. "Honestly Doctor, how often have I gotten this call before? At least four times. I'll have to see a body before it can be confirmed. If there is no-"
"Miss Izzano, you seem to misunderstand. We have the body, certainly, only it's in a condition that I don't- I don't know what to say. It's stone."
Her gaze narrowed. The man was making no sense. Of course the bandage around his skull probably wasn't helping. "I want to see it."
"Of course Miss Izzano. The...statue, for lack of a better term, should be there in less than an hour. We've had some difficulty getting it through customs."
"I see. Thank you Doctor." Her tone was dry, and it was clear she did not see as she disconnected the call. And that she was irritated. Highly irritated. This was bad. She'd gotten phonecalls like this before, but there'd never been a body, and Llidya had always popped up a week or several later, fit as a fiddle. But if they had a body, or statue, as the doctor had put it, well, this was something else entirely. Aryca was inclined to believe it was some sort of joke. A prank her sister was pulling on her, for sure. Well, she thought as she glanced at her watch, in another hour, she would know.
Llidya had stopped yelling and cursing days ago. There was no one supernatural around to hear or feel her. And all the lycans they'd come near had quickly stayed clear of the odd statue, and it's even more odd infringement on the supernatural plane.
Fortunately, she'd had her eyes opened when the spell, booby trap or whatever the hell it was had gone off, so she was still able to see and hear everything that was going on. Other than that, she had no plausible explanation as to why she was not unaware.
She scowled, inwardly of course. Her position, facial expression...hell everything physical about her hadn't changed in days. The one cool thing about it was that she hadn't felt the need to sleep. But that was also bad, because she got bored a lot because, well, everything just thought she was just a statue. She looked straight ahead in her tunnel vision, wondering where the hell they were going as she was getting unloaded from the cargo bay of the Osprey. They were back in Hawaii, she could tell from the large airplane hangar that had Hickam in large letters on the side of it. Great. Hawaii was great, but who knew anyone who could possibly help her? She knew of a couple of people, but she had no way to communicate that to anyone. Period. So yeah, she was glad they were in Hawaii, she just couldn't figure out why.
Some more boring vehicle riding, with her staring at the road going by. At least Patreaus, Wells and Black were still there. But they weren't talking. Still, Llidya thought it was a bit comforting to have them around, even if they were just staring at her, bewildered, as they had been doing for the past few days. Hell it had happened to her and she was still surprised as hell by the whole thing. As for her wolf, well, she was not a happy camper.
She was trapped behind her shields that she had learned to put up on the supernatural plane. Only instead of clear green, they were now translucent, and seemingly impenetrable. They'd transformed instantaneously when she'd felt that odd last tingle of the sensation of touch. They rode down the road, an upsetting and eerie scraping noise emitting from the movement of her shields. Her wolf had howled for the first couple of hours, but like Llidya, had sat on it's haunches in resignation at their plight. Of course that had only been temporary, as it started pacing, testing the strange, solid material it was trapped in.
The vehicle stopped, and then backed up to a really nice looking hotel. Llidya only got a glimpse before a sheet was placed over her and she felt herself being lifted and moved once more. She really hated it when they did that. It was the most annoying thing, especially since sight and sound were one of only two things she could experience, and they were taking that away from her.
"So what'd she say?" Finally! They were talking again. It was Wells who had spoken. She'd found they didn't really feel comfortable when she was uncovered to talk about her. Chapman liked this, if only because she felt it meant some small part of them believe she was still there and could see them and read their lips.
"She was not happy. Doc said she thought he was stupid or something." Patreaus was responding. He didn't sound happy himself. Well who would be when you see one of your oldest friends turned to stone? At least she was of a classy stone like nature. She could have turned into a horrible grey stone instead of jade. Llidya waited, no reply from any of them to that. Who wasn't happy, damn it? What the hell was going on?
As much as she willed it, they didn't speak again. Llidya was resigned to listening to their breathing, and that awful scraping noise she made on the supernatural plane. Her wolf was hunkered down with it's paws over it's ears in an almost comical fashion. All they had been was moved, and Llidya couldn't wait for it to stop.
Fifteen minutes later, she was finally set down. She listened to the team shuffle around a bit, and then the sheet was removed. Whoooaa. Nice digs. If she could have, she would have looked surprised. They were in some sort of lavish apartment, or penthouse even, from the length of time of the elevator ride up. There was a Monet on the wall, and a gilded tapestry. Very nice, but who the hell would they take her to that lived in a place like this? There were only a couple of people, really, but they weren't in Hawaii. They were in Californa, so...
And then all thoughts were banished from her mind as the obvious tenant of the penthouse rounded the corner into the room.
Llidya watched Aryca stop right before her, that cold stoic look on her face as she just looked her over.
"Well, she's certainly done it this time, hasn't she?"
All that yelling and cursing she'd stopped doing days ago? Well it wasn't over yet. Her wolf empathisized with the emotions she was emitting, and began to howl as well.
Dina was at the Police Department in no time. She pulled her book back further up her shoulder as she ascended the short flight to the front door. Arm reached around for the other strap as she slipped into the closing entrance. A few officers passed her by, and Dina blushed as one of them actually glanced up to her. She felt very awkward, being as tall as she was at her age. It ran in the family, however. She wondered how Llidya and Aryca had felt at her age, and put it on her mental list to ask Aryca when she got home that night.
"Um, 'cuse muh. 'i..." She greeted the desk sargeant, who looked up, a bit surprised. "I'ma doin' a report fa' school, an' I was wonderin' if'n I could interview some of ya' officers. T'e name Llidya Chapman was given to me by me teacher." The lies rolled smoothly off her lips. The desk sargeant gave her a brief smile, and she waited for him to tell her she was on leave.
"She doesn't work here anymore. Turned in her badge a couple of weeks ago. But, let's see..." But Dina wasn't really listening. No, that had to be a mistake. Fired, yes. Suspended without pay, all the time. But quit? Never. "You mus' be mistaken. From me understandin' Llidya Chapman never quits."
The desk sargeant glanced up as she spoke, her voice firm, and shrugged his shoulders. "Well she did. She's stayed on as a consultant, so far as I know. But that's all I know. You wanna talk to anybody about it, talk to Captain Effron. He's the chief." He shook his head. "But he's swamped all the time."
Dina's fingers threaded behind the straps over her shoulders as she thought a moment.
"'omocide division, oi?" She asked, confirming what she was pretty sure true. Again the shake of the head. Well that was oh for two for her today.
"Regional Preternatural Investigations. It's all the way in the back of the station." Dina nodded, looking crestfallen, which wasn't that hard to do at the moment. Lower lip was bitten in thought.
"D'you s'pose I coul' intahview some ot'er officer on t'e team?" She asked, trying to look up through her lashes while at the same time having to look down. The desk sargeant sighed, and then smiled softly.
"Sure. I'll call Detective Carlson up here, I'm sure he can make some time for you."
Dina jumped on the inside, doing a little mini jig. Outwardly, a sigh of relief was given. "T'ank ya so much. It'll make me report very int'restin'." The desk sargeant nodded as he picked up the phone.
She only had to wait about fifteen minutes, before the Detective Carlson that had been spoken of arrived and escorted her back to the RPIT room. Dina started firing off a million questions, as any kid who had a report due might. She took a seat at the most recently vacated desk, according to Carlson, the very one that belonged to Chapman herself. Dina slung her bookbag on the surface, pulling out notebook and pen to begin her interview process, and at the same time, investigation of the Detective.
Aryca stared at the stood before the statue, studying it. She'd sent the Syndicate along very shortly after they'd dropped her off. They let her know they were staying in the hotel as well, for some R & R until the next job popped up.
Well at least she didn't look in pain. She had that determined look on her face, lips pressed together in a line like she was trying to accomplish something. Which she just had before she'd been...transformed. Her arms were in front of her, slightly bent from having thrown two men across a room. She would have wondered how that was possible except Mr. Patreaus had informed her that not only was she now a statue, but she'd been a werewolf before that. Aryca sighed, looking down at her attire. She was wearing a ridiculous hat over her braided hair, and military standard clothing. Her gun was forever pressed against her side. It was too bad she couldn't have been in a gown of some sort. She leaned in to look at the dogtags hanging a mere inch away from her chest, and a new necklace, one she'd never seen before caught her eye. It was a rosary. Enough of a surprise that Aryca straightened, looking the very life like statue in the eye.
Call Ash Redfern. Dakota Marcs. Silent Whisperd. Ash Redfern. Dakota Marcs. Silent Whisperd. Pick up the phonebook, and look for those names. Ash Redfern. Dakota Marcs. Silent Whisperd. Any of those names. Come on Aryca!
After her initial reaction, Llidya had just started repeating the mantra of names, hoping that through sheer force of will she might actually be able to have Aryca pick up on the names. Of course, after two hours, she had yet to do so. By this time, Llidya's wolf had stopped howling and testing the walls it was in, and was just laying there, nonchalant as Llidya tried to focus on trying to get Aryca to call one, or all three of the people desired. Well, Silent wasn't really desired, but she was a wolf dammit, and she'd be able to tell she wasn't dead.
Llidya watched Aryca dismiss her team. She knew they'd only stick around until the next person needed rescuing. Which was fine, it was what they were paid to do. And there was nothing they could do about Llidya anyway. She watched Aryca pace back and forth in front of her, talking on the phone. She was setting up meetings with her contacts in all the major cities, to take over the operations of the company. Okay, that was standard procedure. But first she should be calling someone to get her out of this mess! She listened to her make a call to the family lawyer, and rolled her eyes inwardly as she prepared the meeting to read her last will and testament. They all knew what it was already. And so easy to give up hope. Aryca hung up the phone, not making any promises with the want to meet the lawyer, but wanted him to be prepared. He was always prepared, Llidya knew, from a lot of her previous escapades with the Syndicate.
Apparently through with the last business call, Aryca stopped before her to look at her. She spoke a few words, and started calling people again. Sounded like she was trying to find a coven. Or rather someone who knew someone who could find a coven who would know about this sort of thing. She had the book! Good! The book was here...it must have been transported with another load. Coven was a good idea. She knew someone who would know how to find a coven, and witches. Three someones. She started up her mental mantra again, as it was the only thing she could do.