Llidya lifted her right arm in a wave to the CV - 22 Osprey after it's turnaround to land and refuel on the carrier. After it had dropped off it's cargo of course. That cargo being Llidya Chapman. She lowered her arm and turned her gaze to the trail, lifting the binoculars to her face once more. The shutes turned lazily in the breeze. Satisfied she'd been dropped off in an isolate enough location, Llidya hopped out and expertly gathered up and repacked the shutes. The bags were stuffed in the back of the Hummer. Llidya hopped back into the driver's seat, and cranked up the engine, already sorely missing her classic cars.
After she got settled in, that would change. She'd ship her current mode of transportation back to the states and get everything she needed. Well, wanted anyhow. The trail was rough, rarely used, but she was used to getting knocked around. After about forty-five minutes, she burst out onto a main road. Luckily it wasn't a popular main road at the moment, and no one was around to see the sudden birth of the LRV from the woods. She took a sharp left, reaching forward to switch on the navcom system. Icy blue hues glanced occasionally to the map for directions.
As she approached civilization, the more frequent traffic became, but it wasn't much. A nice surprise. Llidya reached forward, kicking on her radio. Alright Now by Free came through the speakers, and she smiled. Llidya was tired, exhausted even, but she was almost at her goal, and well, good music goes a helluva long way. Bobbing her head, Llidya approached the beaches. She could have gotten there sooner, but she'd taken a scenic route, mainly to have a look around. In all her career, she'd never been to Hawaii.
The sunset reflected off of her dark glasses, as she cruised along the boulevard. Her thirst kicked it up a notch as she passed a few bars, and she decided to stop, and have a much needed drink.
The wolf rode with her on that supernatural plane. The feeling of civil co-existence seemed mutual, and they ignored each other equally in a most odd manner.
Without the wolf, without the attitude, even without the fiery red hair he would have recognized Detective Llydia Chapman anywhere. She was not a person who was easy to forget. Spunky, hard headed and a damn fine detective with a pretty large capacity for putting up with bullshit. A rare quality in most people. From his stool at the bar he could smell her before he saw her, and what he sensed had him surprised, more things had changed since Salem than just the scenery. Turning away from the bar he stood, pale fingers reaching up a moment to tighten the knot in his purple silk tie before moving towards the booth she was sitting in. Without asking to join her he slipped into the booth across from her and dropped a manila envelope on the table. Ash didn't even mention the wolf that was so obviously there like a white elephant in the room.
"If you want a job it's yours again, same title, no more riding a desk. You want it then review that file and be at the station to report to Detective Marcs in.."
Ash lifted his hand, sleeve slid back enough to look at the face of his watch.
"....thirty minutes."
If she hadn't changed the case would intrigue her and she'd meet Dakota whether she wanted the job or not. Might as well have another level head looking over the findings on Elsa and Sade's murders. Pushing back out from the booth he stood and looked down at her for a moment, hand reaching out so the tips of those pale fingers could hover just a moment above the halo of her red hair.
"It's good to have you back Detective."
No smile, and that tone was as dry as ever, but for someone who knew him it was obvious that he meant it. More and more he craved faces from the past. While they had never been close she had been someone he counted on, and the number of people he could count on were dwindling in number lately. Turning he moved towards the door, pulling the keys out of his pocket as he went. He'd be back at the station in a few hours and hopefully by then Dakota and Llydia would have rehashed their own old times and they could all three get down to buisness. The business of nailing some slimey bastard to the wall, preferrably with at least one or more of his vital organs on display.
Llidya strode into the bar and had a seat, not bothering to take her usual cursory glance around the place. Not expecting to run into anyone so soon. A water was ordered, and then the smell of the Scottish Highlands wafted by her now sensitive nose. Llidya didn't moved when she sensed someone approaching. Someone very familiar.
The very man she'd come to Hawaii to find. She merely followed him with her Bahamas-clear water blues as he sat down across from her. Still as a statue, giving nothing away as he spoke.
Llidya found herself unable to talk to him, even after having a couple of months to build up to it. Nothing seemed appropriate, or right in her mind to voice to Ash Redfern as he sat before her. Instead, he spoke.
"If you want a job it's yours again, same title, no more riding a desk. You want it then review that file and be at the station to report to Detective Marcs in.." He paused to glance at his watch. "...thirty minutes."
No introductions or greeting was needed. Even if she knew what she'd wanted to say as he stood to leave, and the words would have been plucked from her throat at his sentiment. Slowly, her gaze lowered to the manilla envelope, hands lifting from their relaxed poise on the table top to flip it open. She scanned the information and pictures within, utterly relieved to have something to take her mind off of herself. Expression unchanging, she absorbed the information within.
She didn't make it in thirty minutes. It only took her twenty three.