During the annual winter pilgrimage to Oahu, the Banzai Pipeline is Mecca to both Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP) members and amateur surfers alike. Ocean swells from storms off the Alaskan coast march over the Bering Sea and down the eastern Pacific to Hawaii. Coral reefs amplify the wave energy (much like tsunamis) as they close in on the North Shore. The best waves come from west swells while northerly waves bring chaos and tragedy.
Oahu's North Shore is the mecca of big wave surfing, Banzai Pipeline is one of the best sites and is also the home of major professional events such as the World Surfing Cup, and this year would be Host to the HNS Season Open. When Ace's read over that she was worried about letting the kids surf out in the rough waters. Life jackets were not possible when your trying to pull yourself up on a long flat piece of wood in 20ft+ surf. But she was hounded, over and over again to let them compete. Now it was to late to withdraw them. It would crush them.
Standing on the soft sands letting her feet sinking in to the moist ground as each wave rolled against the shore and washed against her legs. There was no better place to train for competition then the place you will be competing. The boat was anchored a ways out, using the dinging to bring Boards, kids and the rest of the days supplies on to the shore. Which Joe was seeing to at present."There going to hate me... "her voice was lost on the incoming ocean breeze, but there was no one in-particular she was talking to any way. No the words were for herself. No-one would be allowed to compete that was not 16 years of age. But maybe she would find a way to make it better for the kids that did not meat the age requirements. When she could sit down with Lani they would have to discuses it. Maybe a separate skimboarding event for the younger members of the Surfing Ace's.
It was only 6am, they had left the big island at 4:30 and made the day trip down, 6 adults and 12 pre teens and teens on board waiting for their chance to come ashore and get the camp set up. Mayra was keeping the masses calm while Joe did the transporting with the help of a few of the older kids. At around 7:40 the tide would roll in drawing them all in to the water. Rolling swells singing a sirens song no surfer could refuse.
7Am and the whole group was on the beach sitting around waxing surf boards and skim boards, Putting on Wet suits and chowing down on jerky, trail mix, and dried fruits and berries. First rule of surfing was to make sure you have eat a descent meal to keep your energy up. The second was to know the beach... and to understand and respect the environment you were about to enter."All right guys. I got some good news and bad news. Good news is we are going to get some nice swells out here today. May not see much over 20ft but that's nice. Bad news is because of the location selected by the ASP, no one under the age of 16 will be able to compete in the contest."Already there were moans and whining. A few of them popping off about how unfair that was."All right that's enough! What's the most important rule for any surfer? Anyone? "
Was silent for a moment, small faces looking at each other, shoulders shrugging and a long rolling sigh or two. Kie was the one to speak up, he was 15, dark skinned from spending years in the sun and his eyes held more age then any one his age should have. Kie's father was an abusive prick, had nearly killed Kie's mother before the teen-agger took knife and gutted the pig. He was sentenced to two years in Juvy, thankfully it had been over turned. As long as he did his community serves and stayed with the group and out of trouble till he was 18. He would never see one day incarceration. He was one of Ace's hopefuls and hardest cases.
"Respect the water & know your limitations. Get cocky, get dead. That about sum it up coach?"
Ace fought to keep the amusement off her face, and it failed miserably. Smile slowly made itself present on faultless supple tiers till this soft sublime pride shown though."That's right, So what I want from you all today. 16 and up. can head out with Lani, and Joe and take the west end of the beach. every one else will be with Mayra and me on the east end. We brought skimboards and I want you guys working on safety drills as after the tide ebbs off got it? Goes for EVERYONE. We will see what we can do about getting another event set up for the younger groups... No promises. But Lani and I will petition for it."God willing she would be able to convince the ASP to let them host a mid day event for the younger kids, Would mean she had to go to the bank and make arrangements for another withdraw. The one thing about the contest would be a great opportunity to raise funds for the youth group and the publicity that came with it. Hell she would sell her soul to the devil if it meant that this group would remain a permanent fixer in Paradise.
"All right guys, lets get ready. High tides in..."Glazing down at the dive watch on her wrist. Ace shook her head seeing how little time they had left. "45 minutes. Make sure your boards are waxed and I want everyone to spend at lest 15 minutes stretching and warming up before you hit the water... Got me?" Kids scattered, separating in to groups and hooking up with a buddy for the day."Also we are heading in to pearl harbor at around 2 for lunch and we are going to take the tour. A car will be here to pick ups up at 1:30! So when I call everyone in you come in lets pack it up. Thanks guys! Lets have some fun!"The clap of her hands sent a hallow echoing sound across the little gathering tribe it was time to get started. A moment to breath? Not on your life, There would no free time for her till 6pm when she dropped the last kid off at home and headed back to the shop...
She liked kids, she just didn't want to have kids. They were all fine and good when you could drop them off at the end of the day at their parents house. Of course with this group you got the good and the bad. Which oddly enough she was learning to like.
Ace's dedication to this, had her paying close attention to what she did. Naturally cheerful, though, she got along with the kids pretty well. There was also the upside that they had plenty of fun poking at her for her accent. Kids could be cruel at times, but she didn't pay it no mind. Knowing full well it was simply one of those things she would not be able to change. Though she had noticed that her english was starting to improve, now that she spent a lot of time around the kids and everyone else.
During the trip she sang them songs she both made up and some from the other members of the band she no longer had. Teaching them the words in spanish kept most of then in giggles or very concentrated. Her heart went out to a couple of them. Quiet, and withdrawn, they only joined in from time to time, but took everything so seriously.
Things got more animated with everyone once they got there, and Ace went into her 'teacher/mentor/you need to know this' mode. Which always pulled a grin from her lips. Everyone listened intently, and soon the group was deviding into two. Some moving reluctantly and others eager to get moving, get into things. Yet under the watchful eye of both Ace and herself, they made sure that all the stretching was done approprietly and for the right amount of time. A bad cramp out there could be very dangerous.
Pretty soon there was the sounds of laughter and shouting again, boards picked up and all of them head in opposite directions along the beach. She had thought of entering the competition herself, but at the last moment had faltered. Not confident enough in her skills as a surfer, the way that Ace was, she had never really participated in one before. So she had opted to help with the youth group instead.