Silent had taken the day off from the hookah to tie up some loose odds and ends around the pack house and be able to spend time with Ashes when he got home frome work..Something that maynot happen if she had gone in. But for now...She was just meddling about the pack house when she came across the picture of Ashes and Brady...
Brady..He had been on her mind since the return from egypt...He had gift...Ones that perhaps he could help bring the gift that laid dormant since her breakdown..Picking up her cell phone she would dail his number. After a few rings it went to his voice mail.
"Brady....It's Silent. I was woundering if I could grab you up for dinner or lunch. I wanted to ask you for your help and well...Its something Id rather ask in person then to a voice mail."
Hanging up she would set the phone down and go off into the kitchen to putter around for a little longer.