Town Square. Where all the hustle and bustle is during the day time, and quiet during the closing hours. Cara grinned at the idea and decided to call about the building that just went up for rent. So many idea went threw her mind, another cafe...but she didn't know how to bake. A book store, but she wasn't a good sales woman. Until it hit her. La Photo. She was now a professional photographer. Not just because she'd wanted to do it just for fun, but it was her passion. She was akked to meet the person that held the lease option. Of course, it was a woman. Lori Handeland, was her name. the meeting went well.
"Photography." She smiled, hands clasped in her lap.
"Rent is 990 a month, including all the other stuff."
"Not going to be a problem."
Cara paied in full for the next two months, and was handed the key. Things were deffinetly starting to shape up. Now... constructors. She remembered hearing from others that Adam and Cesco were contructors. A brow raised. She smiled and made a list of what she needed to do. Finally. La Photo would bloom in no time.