Word travels, rumors abound and when whispers fall his ear was quick to listen. Mound of clay sat upon the pedestal, its malleable build being pressed by finger and thumb. Forced to take shape under the artists hands till it started to take shape. The image in the mind flowed though the vain and muscle to manipulate the fingers in their skill. Long nails filed to sharp points served him well as tool to carve the finest lines around the eyes. For hours he worked bending the clay to his will as he would mold flesh and bone. When all was done, the face of a beast looked up at him, its eyes raged with power, its jaws said power, and the image in itself spurred the Letter to be sent to the local Horde. On parchment his words were expressed with the utmost respect. The letter was carried in the hands of a trusted messenger. Kas had come to Salem with Reese from over the Atlantic. Reese trusted him to carry his words to the Tiger he sought.
-Adam was beginning to think that the house would never be fully finished. This was partially because he insisted on doing all the work himself, but also partially because he kept getting disted with small details and add ons, letting his creative vein show. So it was that when the messenger pulled up the drive way he was out in the sun, shirt off, giant insolated cup of ice tea being slurped down as he took a small break to survey his work. Not many people knew about this place except the Horde, and so far they were all not so big on the visiting thing. When the strange man gave him a parchment roll and a buisness card he eyed him oddly, but finally read the letter. Hmm interesting.-
"Tell your Master that my partner and I will contact him soon."
-After the man left he called Raine and explained the situation to her. Buisness had obviously kept her busy which had left him to deal with most of the Horde buisness, but that was fine by him. This however was a matter for both of them.-
"Raine, this is Adam. (insert explanation here). So I think we should meet him for dinner, and don't forget I still need you to let me know when you can get off work so we can meet Patsy, I am sure she's wondering if we all dropped off the face of the earth. And, Ash and Silent still want us over for dinner. So let me know when you have some time."
There were days that Raine almost wished she'd been outed as a lycanthrope. Life might have been much less hectic if she could no longer practice medicine. Still, most of the time she was glad she still could. It was her life, really. Her life away from shifter life, anyway. For the past week, she'd been squaring away business with her old hospital. Finally, the influx of calls had slowed and she'd been allowed to relax for a moment or two. She had been out meditating on her new life here in Salem -- her partner, Adam, her Horde. She and Adam still needed to sit down and talk about Deacon's activities and such. Life had just gotten a little crazy. But now that things had slowed down, it was no longer an excuse. She'd been deep in thought when her phone started vibrating, and it wasn't until the third little buzz buzz that she realized it was ringing at all. Too late, she pressed the phone to her ear to hear the message. Her heart felt light upon hearing the Khan's voice. There was something about Adam that just inspired peace, happiness, tranquility. It had already rubbed off on her .. internally, at least. She frowned for a moment, listning carefully to the message, and then pressed `Call Back`. She couldn't help but chuckle some at getting his voicemail .. it was just too perfect. After the instructions for leaving a message, she let out a throaty little laugh into the phone. "It seems as though we are forever missing each other, my Khan. I agree with your decision to meet with this vampire. I'll leave it to you to set the date and time, and be rest assured that I will be there on the dot. I'm sorry that I've been so busy lately .. but I finally got everything ironed out with the hospital that I used to work at." She paused again, fingertips toying with a few blades of grass. "As for Patsy, Ash, and Silent .. I'm free for the next couple of weeks, until I get my practice here set up and running. Let me know what works best for you." She sighed then, and hesitated briefly. "And Adam? I'm not sure if you've already handled Deacon's .. activities, but if not, then perhaps we should sit down (when you have a free moment, of course) and figure out a game plan. It seems as though we have a lot of damage from the previous leaders to make up for .. anyway. I'll talk to you soon. I hope you've been well in the midst of my chaotic first couple of weeks here."And with that, she flipped the phone shut, drew her legs up, and mused thoughtfully on the message he'd left.