The Midnight Hookah was Silent's brain child, completely her baby. But still before they left on their trip he had taken her prospectives to Nola and set the girl on a hunt through the city for just the right bit of real estate. It was the last surprise on this little journey of theirs. So when the car picked them up from the airport, they were tired and dragging, but still he told the driver to take them through the town square. Jet lag was tugging at his eyelids, and between that and the pull of the moon overhead he didn't think they would want to stay long. One hand covered her eyes, and he leaned in, voice a whisper as his breath caressed the side of her neck.
"I really hope it's what you wanted because I won't be able to return it."
The window whirred as it rolled down and then he moved his hand away from her eyes so she could look at the spot Nola had bought for the Hookah. It was a pre-existing building and a contractor was already working with Shakti on the inside. The blue neon sign outside with an image of Ganesh behind it was burning brightly which meant Damon and Nola were more than likely still inside burning the midnight oil.
"Is it how you imagined? That was who I had those secret messages from at the last hotel. Adam says he thinks the place can be ready to open in another week."
When the cab arrived in Salem with the promise of home and bed and the wolves around them she was truely thrilled. Having been nudged awake as they reached the town square and pushe up so that she could look out the window she would grumble a few...Not so nice things.
"Close your eyes."
She did as his hands came over her eyes...Taking in the deep highlands scent...The smells of Salem that caressed her on the breeze. The car came to a stop...And he spoke again removing his hand and she saw it...The bright blue Ganesh and the words Midnight Hookah...She had been near asleep...But this..She had talked about wanting to do things...And was going to start when they got home...But he had done eveything while they had been away..Even in her tired state she was left in awe...Turning she would rain kisses over his face.
"Thank you thank you. Its everything and more!"
Oh she owed them all...But tonight she would thank Ash. A week ...Wow. No more fishing boats for this wolf..She got to return to the kitchen...
"A week? Wow.Ashes my heart. You have given me everything Ive ever wished for. "
Curling against him she would smile kissing his jawline.
" I hope someday I can give you all that your heart desires."