On a quiet summer afternoon, the citizens of Salem were subject to the horror of Banana Pudding falling onto from the sky. But this was no Biblical style gift from above, but an attack.
A man, described as being over six feet with dark hair and extensive tattoos, is believed to be one of the suspects responsible for the barrage. Eye witnesses state there was a woman also involved.
"Started late afternoon. Just out of nowhere," said Eliot Mintz, who was walking along the street where the attack took place.The balloons used for ammo were filled with a number things... Among them the local police officer, who arrived on the scene soon after, determined to be Banana Pudding, water, and "probably stuff from some dog bath, smells like wet dog, even has little hair in it," stated Officer Rodgers.
No one was safe. "Just walking along like Ive been doing for the past thirty years and this is the first time something like this ever happened. Hooligans they have no respect," Dora G. age 55, about her experience of being assaulted with a balloon filled with Banana Pudding. During the span of a few minutes nearly seven people were assaulted with various types of water balloons. Thankfully no one was injured beyond shock and an extensive dry cleaning bill.
Local authorities ask that anyone with information about the man and woman involved in the incident call the police hotline at 555-6956.
Ash took time for himself when and wherever he could, though admittedly those spaces in time were few and far between. On the day in question he was cozy in a back table of the Derby Cafe in the Historic District of downtown Salem. The paper was bisected in front of him, all the sections like sports and comics were set aside and ignored. Fingers pinched the edge of the paper as he turned that page of the Today section and gave it a little shake to straighten it. Free hand was daintily lifting a cup of Turkish coffee to his mouth when he saw 'The Cream' article. Lightning kissed eyes quickly scanned the story and he made a loud noise as he choked on the hot coffee, little drops staining the white dress shirt he was wearing. With a soft clatter he set the cup on it's saucer and read the article again more carefully. Tall tattooed man....well since he had been busy investigating crimes that left only one option.
muttered in a low near growl undre his breath. An old couple walked past the table and pointed at him whispering. Great! Ash and the rat king were both over six feet and covered in tattoos. The paper was shut with quite a raucous sound and he hid the offending article under the Buisness section. The old man and woman saw the guns in his holster and began to scurry away. As though a man with a gun would need to drop water balloons on people! Pfft. Cell phone was lifted to his ear after dialing the 4th speed dial number....Milo's number.