Over the next few days, several missives were sent around town.
Most of them were pretty informal, with all the same information on it. Each was personalized to each recipient. All in a careful, neat script on handmade paper.
If you're reading this, I called you friend, and felt you needed an explination as to why I was blowing back out of town.
It would appear that my company is in dire straits, and that someone is embezzling from me. From my company. I have to go back home to deal with it. I don't know how long it is going to take. I regreat that I have to take off so quickly, or it seems so sudden. I just found out about the hemmorage of my slush funds. Someone will pay. I just do not know who yet. It will take a while.
Shortly, the town will recieve a party from me. I hope y'all will be up for a good old fashioned cow cooking. Be nice, and play with each other, just one night, for me?
Always your servant, Kat.
About a week later, a truck arrives to Gabby's...it's the beef and other prime Texas meats. All the trimings, and enough to feed the town for a week! Plus, a catering crew who can do barbeque right.