Silent had waited till the first hunt was over and the younger
Wolves had their fill on the female elk. Silent she didnt touch
The thingShe had eyes for the main prize. She only hoped that
Would be the case for the others.Leavin the others in the care of Elena
And CharlieThem two being the older wolves in this case. Silent
Would gather Memphis, Ash and Sirus. Ash had led the hunt on the
Female elkSilent. Would lead the one on the male. Even if two of
The wolves in her party were in nice words chauvinists. Brushing
Against each male of the leader party to wake them or grab their
Attention she would let that swampy moon song fill the air before she
Darted off past the sleeping hyenas. The smell of the elk made excited.
Stopping only to glance back at the males as if to say hurry up slow asses
It wouldnt be long before the buck elk would be found. Standing in the
Middle of the woods like some kind of king. The signs of a fight burning
In his eyes. He wasnt going down without one. Which made things all
The better for the femme wolf. ThisThis is why she wanted him. She
Would motion to Sirus who was already moving into position. Silent hoped
Memphis and Ash would do the same. SilentWell she would distract..
Enjoy the fight ahead with this beast. The elks large hooves would stomp
Against the ground. Its heavy breaths causing a cloud of smoke around its
Head. The promise of it charging singing in the air.
And thisWas what the small swamp wolf wanted. It backed up some.
The low excited growl rumbling in its throat. Fiery amber eyes moving to
See each of the male wolvesAll beautiful and deadly take their place.
She would lift her head up in song Announcing the start of the attack
As she charged at the beastJaws moving for the neck and at all cost to
Avoid the massive antlers on the thing. Silent made the first moveWhich
In truth should have been planned out better.
While yes. She had managed to make a decent sized wound on
The elkThe bastard had snagged her side leavin his own wound to
Her sideBut that would heal soon between the shift and a few days
Taking it easy she would be good. It would have been worse though if
The trio of males didnt slam into the beast. But did Silent give up and
Curl up into a ball? No she had something to prove. The swamp wolf
Would be up running on the need to kill and pain. The neck the target..
And with one last triumphant cry the strong beast came down under
The attacks of the four wolves.
Silent would back up some looking the beast that was being ravaged
She would give it a moment of respect before she..Like the trio of males
Would be come drenched in blood. She could only hope this hunt would
Bound the fourThey were the leaders. They were the hunters and
Protectors of the pack. To eachother. Each would die protecting the other.
(Ok boys..I did this from Sils prospectiveAdd yalls two cents into it so
Its all purty and stuff)
Tame the Beast in Me