Well it had been an interesting week for the little witch, being taken over by her magic, throwing a knife at Milo's head and then him and Jane bringing her back. She had been dragged out tired and lost when Milo had taken her to the light house and set her up in that room. She had slept for almost two days, thankful that for most of it Milo was curled protectively against her.
Of course the full moon had taken him away fom her for the night and she had woken up alone but she wanted to speak with Marcus about some things and it was the perfect opertunity. Well if she could have found him, unfortunetly he was MIA so she had settled for a walk in the park before returning to the comfort of that room. She spent most of the night curled up inbed reading a book, well until Milo came in early the next morning and crawled into bed with her. She had snuggled against him and slept like a baby.
Did any of the others even know that she was there? If so none of them had come to see her so far but she hoped to spend some time getting to know them. Eventually she was going to need to talk with Marcus about the Tigers and then speak with Gabby but she ws procrastinating on it. She wasn't ready for all of that drama yet, her main focus was getting her mind right and finding a place of peace and quiet to get some well deserved relaxation.
::::he had heard about the incident at Mary Janes home, and found it slightly intriguing. The vaudon priestess he'd befriended in New Orleans was called and a few pointed questions were directed her way. The whys and what fors were fairly complex, AND since she wasn't exactly sure of Lani's power brand it made most of what she had to say speculation. Still though it seemed better to know something than nothing. When he returned home from checking in with Sampson and settling some final disputes he went directly to the room Lani was occupying with a care package in his arms. Knocking lightly at the door before stepping inside he gave her a handsome boyish grin and moved towards the bed. Taking a seat on the edge of the bed he withdrew a few books from the satchel and a bottle of wine.::: It's Thorough, Keates, and some Pinot Noir.....just something to keep your mind off everything for awhile. Or at least until someone comes along to entertain you. ::stunning amber eyes looked over the room and he shook his head fondly, Milo's room looked like a place that had been under siege, and it was the one room in the house that was not to be touched by Shakti or the maid, and it showed.::::