Bored, so very, very bored (and just a little bit hungry) Crawly had found herself in need of a distraction. Paints, bones, glitter and the TV had about as much appeal as a root canal. And having heard horror stories about those, the child were did not want a root canal. Although at this point in time it would at least be a new experience.
After rummaging around the main living area of the Skate Park, Crawly found her bejeweld cell phone where Alyce had placed it. It smelled...pine fresh? Which was odd, the child distinctly remembered chucking the thing at a bloody rat to get it to move. How nice it was of the leopard lady to clean the blood off for her.
Once Crawly perched her little buttocks on a cushion, she flipped through her address book. Little fingers making short work of the buttons. Clearly the cell phones were designed for kids with their little buttons and bright colors...which just went to prove that all adults were really just kids at heart.
When Crawly found the contact that had the most appeal she pressed the SMS option and typed in the message to be sent.
"H1 Lyl! Im bored @ h0m3. Want 2 go s0m3wh3r3?"
It wasn't exactly an articulate sounding missive but what did you expect, the child was pushing 9 1/2 years and has been out of school for ages. The sad thing about that was that the cell phone had a full keyboard...
Just before Crawly was about to shut the sparkly thing closed she saw a number long forgotten. She didn't even remember Tino giving it to her, but there it was...the Vampire's contact number. In Crawly's mind everyone had a cell phone with texting capabilities. You'd have had to be a dinosaur not to have one. It also didn't register if the number was his direct line or some answering service, all that mattered was Crawly could send messages and she did. It was really quite a simple one, and a clever thing.
"____ " V V
(hint, fangs)
And because she was on a roll and because she meant it with every beat of her dark little heart, the next text went to Mommy. Her's was simplest of all...but it was often the most simple things that meant the most.