The phone was picked up, as Bear held it to his ear. He did not say a word to the person on the other line. He knew way better to even interrupt' in the back of his mind the person he worked for really sent him here to Rome. Bear did not expect to run into a Rodere; all his life he has been out to survie, he did not need anyone else since he was born into this corrupted world that the whore of a mother brought him into, and that cock-sucker sperm doner father of his Bear has been nothing but trouble. He was raised on the streets intill he met a man named Carlos, back in Phoenix forever, that night did change his life into something big. That night he was turnned into a monster forever, a beast and not just any beast, a beast of all odds. A fucking rat.
He huddled close, to the phone as he could, he slid the glass door closed as he waited for the voice on the other line to speak. This person' simply saved Bears life that night in the desert and hes been doing his dirty work every since.
"Are you there, Mr. Johnson"
"Yeah.. Im here"
"Good, I've got a new job for you. This one is more than the last one, you've took care of for me. I am very pleased, you know the rules Mr. Johnson, get it done quick and right"
"Of course"
"Very Well. Goto your hotel room, there will be a brown package there waiting for you, with a list of instructions. You've got 48 hours to finish this assinment, if you don't well you know the deal." The phone line went dead, Bear hung up the phone and slid open the door, now he needed to go get the job done make a little money, spill a little blood then live life big once again.