The vampire had no time, to stay in one spot to long. But he was not worried, about what was going on. He was smart about what he does but he made a freely mistake by not removing and cleaning up his mess. Which was on his side was sloppy Solan never was sloppy, which Azrael would be shocked well maybe not. In his life time of being a vampire and walking the earth for two hundered and some odd years, he cleaned up his mess and he could leave them laying around he had no worries of someone coming to kill him or a whole police officer camp coming after you. Only thing he knew he needed a little help and fast.
Solan knew where to find Azrael, but first he checked the catacombs and the ol man was not, there he left a sealed off letter on Azraels desk.
Been awhile my friend; now I need to speak with you. Handle a little business in spite. We need to talk soon. And quick, meet me later you'll know where to find me.