It wasn't suprizing that her eyes pricked and grew hot as she neared the front door. She was exhasted yes, delay after delay at the airport and then finally an arrival near dawn, making her time awake more then 24 hours. But the thought that she was home was like a shot of adrenaline through her veins. She blinked rapidly to keep the heat from spilling over her lashes and crawling down her cheeks. She resisted simply because she didn't want to marr the thoughts of coming home with tears. But sure enough once her key slipped into the door and the knob turned the first hot tear crawled down her cheek. She pushed the door to the side holding it open for Anya and Toshi to enter.
"Welcome home." A small smile on her lips. The scents, oh god the scents where like heaven. Perfect, just what the doctor ordered. She turned to the house allowing the other two guests to enter fully, "Puppy" right behind them at there heels. Of course taking the opportunity to christian the ground outside as his territory. For a moment she wondered, would there be a territorial dispute before the wolves and the dog. Mmm probably not, once the puppy was accepted it would be back and the same to the dog. Shaking her head, her mind was wondering in a million different places.
Eyes turned to the dimly lit house in the early morning light and she headed upstairs to get Anya and Toshi a room ready, Puppy bouncing around behind her.