The sun had already began to set when karma made her little pile of blankets in front of her closet...Peeking under the door...Sure the pretty red headed vampire had been around.As had Marcus.But the truth was..She never saw them when the sun came up...Or even as the sun set..And now she had two asleep in her closet.
Both slept like two boy versions of sleeping beauties...Jessie with his cowboy flare..Which made Karma want to know him even more..And ofcourse the pale one.She felt bad about locking them in her closet..But she did the first thing that came to mind. So now she waited.
Sitting back on the pile of blankets...She would pet Dane who had once more stole away in her backpack.She had been seeing less and less of the varmit so she was happy to have it back...Much better to have around then the man he was named after.
Karma woundered what vampires needed when they woke up...A nice glass of milk? Pancakes? A cow to suck dry...Laughing some she would make a mental note that no more bad cheesey horror movies for a while.Maybe she should write Tommy and Sera...Maybe they could answer her questions..And she had a bunch...Like who was Azrael...She had tried to look him up in the books that Angel had on..Well angels..And found that it was exactly that,,,And if that was so...He had odd friends...And why would a great angel send away these two?
Another one bothered her..Why were they out so late..Why were they in trouble...Onyx hues moved to the window..The sun was gone. Setting dane down she inched closer to the closet her ear pressed against the door as she listened to those within.
-Waking up locked up in a closet was not his general idea of a fun time. As Ghost pushed himself up into a sitting position he felt a certain stiffness in his joints that came from a lack of feeding the night before as well as the fact that he'd gone comatose on top of several metal hangers. Using the flat of his hand he pushed the hangers out from under him and away, then rubbed at the sore spot in his thigh where a particularly viscious metal prod had given him a nice scratching.-
-Eyes adjusted to the darkness and he saw Jessie across from him looking as comfortable as a baby. Lucky son of a---then Ghost heard a rustling outside the door. Palms pressed into the carpet and he pushed himself up to his knees and moved towards the closed doors to what was obviously a walk in closet. One eye closed and he peeked through the crack in the two doors to try to see who was on the outside, but all he could make out was the color red.-
-But Azrael had said the Rodere's Home would be a safe haven so without much trepidation he pushed open the twin doors and looked at the woman sitting before him. It was the same girl from the night before, the one who had answered the door and swept them away to hanger land. Pushing fingers through his caramel colored hair, which by now was in such a state that it stuck up at all angles and looked like it was a being all its own, he tried to sound normal. Or as normal as possible given the strange circumstances that they all found themselves in.-
"Hi. I'm Ghost. And I know this probably all seems very strange, but comfort yourself in knowing that one day this is a story you can use to amuse your grandchildren. The day you locked two vampires in your closet."
-Hearing a noise behind him he turned to look over his shoulder and see Jessie rising for the night.-
When Ghost opened the door she couldnt help but sqeek. Caught off gaurd? Perhaps...But the lil omega rat wasnt exactly the quickest when it came to some things.Tilting her head she would watch the male for a moment.Were all the vampires good looking? She alway found Mr Marcus breath taking...and the Pixie well she could have Karma humming I kissed a girl.
Scooting a bit closer to ghost she would sniff him. He didnt smell dead. He smell quite nice. Jessie did too. Strange...Why did they call them the walking dead? Was this about to be come a new obession? Like witchraft was? Boy noone would believe her if she told them four years ago that she was a wererat that had two vampires locked in her closet.
Smiling some when he spoke she could help but laugh at the idea of kids. Mainly cause well...Lycans just couldnt do that.
" Im Karma...Or Carmelita...And stuff like this...Noone would believe."
She couldnt help but grin...She was gonna have to write her favorite panda bear too tonight...Though she was sure that she would freak out...Maybe write Mr Beaver...Find out more on Vampires.
"Sorry bout locking you in my closet...Can I get you two anything...My queen is the good hostess...But I can help."
Karma would give a small wave to Jessie as he woke up.
Hips swaying heels clicking and tapping as she walked up the stairs from where she had been in the kitchen. Barbie had bought an assortment of things for the two sleeping vampires in the mists of the Rodere house. More specifically in Karma's closet. within her hands she had a wooden tray with all the Bloodwyne flavors that it came in. Two of each kind, since there was two vampires. The Bloodwyne was the perfect temperature that the bottle said it needed to be. The stuff had been just a tiny bet hard to find. Was like every corner store in Rome was carrying it.
Hanging from her arm was a bag with some clothing. Jeans and shirts. She thought maybe the boys would want to change into something else, take a shower. Marcus always did those things. He always looked immaculate as a result. Shifting the tray to her other hand, she knocked on Karma's room door.
"Hello... are they up yet? I brought breakfast!"
That sweet girly voice called out pushing the door open.
"Well good morning sleepy heads."
Setting the tray on Karma's bed.
"I brought all the Bloodwyne flavors. And some clothes if you guys wanted to shower and change."
-Following his mate into the room his lime green eyes stayed permanently fixed on the wagon she was draggin. She had an ass you could freeze ice on. Once she set down the tray he dropped onto the bed near it making the bottles rattle slightly. Eyes finally leaving the perfectly delicious frame of his woman to check out the vamps crawling out of Karma's closet. That wasn't something you saw every day.-
"Yea boys. Time to tell us what gives or when the sun goes down again we'll be eating vamp burgers. Extra crispy."
-Joking of course but how were they to know that? His wife was a much better hostess than he was a host. Waiting Milo let the vamps get their drinks and listened to what they had to explain.-
^*Jessie couldn'ta slept better if he'd been surrounded by bare chested women with palm fronds. Well, that maya been a bit of exagerration, but one of the things he did best was stretch a truth. As the sun set and his soul returned to his body just like a weary workin man ploppin down in his favorite rocker at the end of the day Jessie rose. And rose no less to the site of four pairs of eyes just a peepin' at him curious as hoot owl.*^
"Howdy ya'll"
^*Dayum he wished he'dda had a hat to tip. Just seemed more becoming. As he shifted his weight and gave a stretch his hands almost right away went to the sides of his pompadour, checkin' the 'do to make sure he'd greased it up enough to keep it slick through the day. Finding it perfect he climbed to his feet and twisted from one side to the other, lettin his back get in a good couple'a cracks before coming out of the closet.*^
"Well. I don't rightly know what more we can tell 'cept what Karma there already got told."
^*The smell of the warm bloodwyne caught his attention and he moved towards the tray on the bed like ants to a sugar trail. Nostrils flared as he drew in the smell. Japanese bloodwyne wasn't really his favorite, but it'd do in a pinch and this was certainly a pinchy kinda sitchiation. Flopping down on the bed he grabbed a bottle of bloodwyne.*^
"Begging your pardon King but ah can't tell ya what I ain't in a way ah'knowin. But when Azrael comes a'lookin fer us I reckon he'll tell you whatever you'd like."
^*That was all Jessie could promise. After they finished and he'd had his fill he would excuse himself to go take his bike on a ride round the property. Not much for sitting indoors too long he figured that staying on the land still counted as followin orders.*^
-What does Knox and vampires in the closet have in common? They were both harder to wake than shit. Yep, waking him when he was sleepy was a lot like waking the dead. Which was why Karma hadn't been able to get him up. When he did finally rise he followed the noise and smells to Karmas room where everyone had gathered. Grabbing the edge of the doorway he poked his head inside to see what the fuck was happening. Seeing the vampires and the Rodere he didn't really think anything of it. Dressed in just a loose pair of boxer shorts he scratched at his ass and stretched his back as he watched them talking.-
"Vampires huh?" -insert small pause- Cool."
-With that stunning statement he left again to pop down to the kitchen for beer. About a six pack should do and then he could get out to the garage to work on the Knoxmobile. That sounded like a good way to indulge before the bars got hopping and it was time to go out.-