Last night was nice. she was good, she was happy, and people seemed to actually like being around her. It certainly was nice to have that feeling again. something she'd missed ever since daddy committed her to the institution. Of course she felt it was slipping away last night, but maybe just maybe she thought; wished; hoped against hope that sleeping would help. Which put her in bed moments right after getting home.
Unfortunately for Evelyn when she woke up she didnt feel that same sense of clarity she had the day before.Wait, maybe it wasnt, maybe she was just taking a while to wake up."The time, check for the time." said soflty to herself with a nod before sitting up, eyes over to her clock where it took her mind a near minute to decipher what the actual numbers there ment. "I'm lost again..."
Tears welled up in her eyes when that realization came to her mind. shaking her head vigorously before she jumped from her bed rushing through her hotel sweet to her bathroom, standing right infront of her mirror.
"Evelyn, she knows how her brain works... Evelyn people dont look at her like she's crazy! People care about what she can does for them!" more and more duress coming from her voice with each statement, slamming her palms down on the heavy marble counter top , a rise in her power when she did, though there wasnt really anyone around feel that.
"Evelyn's gone... It's just me now..." It really was gone, she was lost in her head again. and that crushed her spirit, weight falling against the wall of her bathroom. the tears that had been welling in her eyes came free while the phoenix slid to sit on the ground in her bathroom.