The train ride was almost peaceful, expect for the mummbling of some fat bastard that sat across from Harley. Although the fact she was flashing him her bits and pieces was enough to make most of the men in the train mummble things under their breath. At least she had been able to sleep, for the most part. It was only when the bullet train pulled into the station and all the warning bells and voices in multiple languages started repeating there arrival in Rome Terrmini. Roused from her sleep, long stick thin legs unwound from the tucked fetal position on the seat before a large yawn broke from her lips.
The train was already in the tunnel and approaching the terminal. Nori rose, half bent over to keep from smacking her head into the luggage rack above her. Stepping over Harley's legs she stetched on her toes to retrieve her computer bag and her backpack. Slinging them over her shoulders, she snagged Faith's bag and Harley's offering it to the women before gripping the seat as the train came to a slow halt. The over head noise of the train conductor interrupted her sleep laden mind as she stared at the bodies lined up waiting to climb into the train. Glancing at Faith and Harley she started down the isle toward the doors before the mechanical hiss greated her and the stink of way to many people hit her. Nose wrinkled up as she stepped off the train on to the concrete platform, she paused to glance around before turning to look at Harley and Faith as they climbed off. She felt mildly sorry for Faith having to put up with her and Harley.
"You heading with us Faith or you got a place to go?" Nori shifted to walk toward the station proper, kind of dragging her feet. Still tired, but at least now she could find a cheap place for her and Harley to bed down till the rest of the snakes arrived. That and she could set up her computers and get to work on finding a suitable habitat for the rest of the Nest.