-Kalika sat amongst the once splendid remains of her little hideaway, watching the bulging muscles and sweating brows of the overpaid workers who were crating her belongings. The seat on which she sat looked much like a throne, and she sat upon it like a true Queen. Her power stunningly displayed in each subtle grace of movement and each inch of exposed and perfect flesh. Fingers softly stroked Sammuels hair before he moved to tend to business. The band on her arm clung tight, biting into her skin. Daintily her fingertips moved to trace the outline of the snakes coiled over the band. The touch was met with a sensation like the coils of the snake tightening against her, but the power that had once illuminated the band was more dormant. Somehow Maya's touch was weakening day by day and she wanted to know why.-
-The plans she had laid had yet to fruit, though she had the benefit of feeding on some of the sideeffects already. It had come to a political decision though. She could follow her once Golden Child into the unknown, or she could hunt the seat of power that was the council of the night. The Court of Nightblooming Flowers. No missive had come from them, and with Mayas hold dwindling it could only mean one thing. If the Courts were dying, then would she be next? If they were weakening could she come to control them at last? That was a game far more suited to her reach than the one she was currently playing.-
-Kalika had walked the night on the island and felt the prescence of the one the creatures there all feared, but in her there was no fear. No room for it. This creature like all the rest could be killed, if only a way was found. She believed that she knew what that answer was, but she would not stay around to find out. Not for lack of interest or a certainty of living to see another night. Rather simply that she hungered for bigger game. Clearing her throat in a dulcet tone she motioned for the Goblin Silk to come and kneel down before her so that she might use the girls back as a table. On the goblins back she pressed a paper, and dipped her quill in ink before beginning to write. A final contact to the wolf whose body she had shared.-
Ash. I leave you now, but do not fret my sweet wolf. I will not be gone forever. Our paths will cross again one day if the hands of destiny intend. Remember in the days to come that it is not strength of arm that brought me to my slumber, but the workings of a woman of the Hearth. Seek out the sisters of Hellewise and you will find a way to break through to the new dawn. Your loving Mistress, Kali-Ma
-Her signature was a thing of beauty, looping lines that curled into what ended as more of a picture than a name. Lifting the corner of the paper while the ink dried she waited for Silk to take it. The little spider could fold it and put it in its envelope and then make the delivery to the Ulfric. Silk was the only one not busy. The twins and Sammuel were taking care of all the arrangements and Kalika herself was managing from the sidelines. It was a dirty job but someone had to do it.-
-Soon they would all be stowed away, except for the sidhe and the goblin, flying towards the last known home of the Court of Nightblooming Flowers. Russia. That was where they would begin their search. What they would find was anyones guess.-
Sam had enjoyed his place at her feet for most of the night...But the time had come to finnish wrapping things up. Slowly he left beauty of his queen and moved to put in the last few touches on their plans to leave the island. He would miss it..Naturally. The smell of sun and coconut was something that he had enjoyed..Even more so the beautiful people he had been able to gift upon his dark mistress.
Deep emerald hues would move over silk...He found her somewhat amusing..But in truth...Sammuel was a greedy man. And the fact that he once more was put in a place where he had to share the attentions of the goddess who haunted him in her slumber..Well was something he was still getting used to.
-some time later-
Moving with that almost felineisk grace with two curvy hawaiian women who well promised anything to get off the island in tow..He would set the tickets on the table beside his queen leaning into her to whisper about the pair who joined them. If Sam had learned anything...Since Kalika's awakening...She was a woman who...Needed her strength..And he wouldnt chance anything happening to her. Once he had finnished he would send the pair of girls to get their things before retaking his place.
Silk was a strudy little thing, quick to help when needed and quick to learn her place when she was told to stay out of the way. After all with the people packing up thing she had to retain her human form for fear of frightening them to death. She stood to the side against the wall, dainty hands folded in front of her, like some tiny lady in waiting attending the royal Queen. And Kalika was very much so the Queen, a Goddess Queen.
When she was beckoned, tiny shoe covered feet pattered over to Kalika and those wide grey baby doll eyes looked up at the pure beauty of Kalika. The motion was understood and she was quickly on her knees arching her back upwards but keeping it flat enough to give the Goddess a flat surface to write upon.
Silk was by far the oddest creature in that managerie of people that flocked to Kalika. A tiny sparse thing, she looked no more then 50 pounds and stood no taller then 4 foot. But the human facade was simply to cover the monster that lay beneath. Skin a algae green, tinted in places with sickly purple, the bloated abdomen of a spider's body protruding out of her backside and ending in eight spindly glossy black legs. Six slender, thin and agile arms layered one over another, three to the left and three to the right side of her body. Not to mention the twitching manibles that lay hidden along the roof of her mouth and the six tiny black dots of eyes lining above her eyebrows. Of all, she was the strangest and rarest, but the most eager to please the group. What pleased Kalika, in turn pleased her Masters. And she sought nothing more then to please her beloved Mel and Vel.
Once Kalika leaned back with a quick glance Silk was on her feet waiting. The fact that might have been degrading to anyone else wasn't even an issue. She lived to serve, after all, she might be part goblin but she was not by far built like one. The letter was taken blowing on the ink lightly to make sure it dried correctly and did not smear. Pausing to grab her small clutch purse she bolted from the house in a rush to see that it was delivered.