Nori looked at the number scrawed on the courner of a report Novack had dropped into her office. She found the phone buried under an avalanche of papers and dialed the number.
It rang four times and went to Voicemail. Ugh, she didn't like her voice already.
"This is Norika Miyazaki, I was told by Michael Novack over here at Humans First to give you a call to schedule an interview. I'm kind of busy the rest of the week with work so it'd have to be tonight. Give me a call back if you can fit that in your schedule. Oh yeah, Novack really enjoyed your last article. My number here at the office is 1-800-434-2897, or 1-800- HFHATER. heh. Thanks."
Nori hung up with a smirk on her face, if she could find a suitable alibi and have the rest of the Humans First people out picketting maybe the blame would slide sideways away from them.
:: Faith had to play the message again and just because it might have changed after the first four tries, she then played it again. Yes, she did hear it right, someone from the HF wanted to sit down and have a chat. Was that shit in her pants?
No, but damn close to it, Faith nearly hit Mach 1 when she headed to Derek's office after calling Nori back, setting up a time and thanking her for the compliment. HF liked her stuff...yay?
But hell, if she got any dirt out of the interview it'd make her career at the paper. Seeing how HF didn't talk aside from press conferences or memorable quotes. Something about having their views being miss represented by the media. Their tight lipped ways made the KKK and Scientology creeps seem downright chatty. So hell yes Faith was going to go, meet with the mystery gal and see what they could chat about::