Third day in a row Mahina was in a fit of tears, Lani came in earlier to hold the hawaiian who didn't even head out to surf. Anna was in the house she could smell her scent but right now she didn't want anyone in her room. She didn't even want to talk to her family. And that was this morning. Now it was evening and Mahina was still in her room. For a complete day, Mahina refused Mamma's cooking for the first time in a month. Slowly her spirit, the rays of sun that made up her beauty, grace and personality all shattered. Finally she lifted her blackberry from the nightstand and within her clutches was Angelica. Call was being placed and after the fourth ring it went to voicemail......
"Angel?'s 'La. Can.....can you com...come to the packhouse as soon as you can and stay with me? I don't want to alone. Thanks."
Captain had given the sector a new assignment and that was undercover work. They had been hunting down a group of people that were said to be in a narcotics smuggling act and the sector had to prove they were ready for anything in the field as well as the next which would be prenatural.
Angel was not allowed to socialize with anyone for almost a week when the job was finally done he was returned to the station to pick up his belongings. Checking his phone he saw he had various missed calls from an unknown number to him when calling it back he heard the sweet voice of his La’ but he shortly realized it was her voicemail.
+La’ I’m so sorry I haven’t been able to talk to you but there was a mission the Capt, Had us on I’ll tell you more at the house see ya in a bit much love to you+.
With a check over of the message he was satisfied and picked up his things and was on the way to the pack house. Waiting for a cab a lady selling roses passed by and three bouquets of roses were bought, two would be for mamma to make a center piece for any where she wanted and the other would be for Mahina.
A dozen yellow roses the brightest in the bunch to brighten anyone’s day his thoughts exactly.