Lyliyana just had the most fun she'd had in her entire life in Hawaii. She enjoyed everyday, toting Mr. Grey everywhere with her, and spending time with with Hector, dubbed Mr. Bubbles by her. She explained to him the reasoning behind the name, was from the movie Lilo & Stitch, a fantastic movie set in Hawaii. There was a tough ex-CIA character in the movie, Cobra Bubbles, voiced by Ving Rhames. And Hector had reminded her of him, and so she called him Mr. Bubbles.
It was on a whim, as almost everything was with Lyliyana, as they were going by a spa that Lyliyana revert back to her natural hair and eye color. Mr. Grey had expressed his displeasure at the darker look she'd chosen since last they'd been together, and so Lyliyana had entered the spa with black hair and brown eyes, and exited with blond tresses and without the color contacts. Her natural eye color was a green-blue shade of teal. She didn't get a response from Mr. Bubbles, but Mr. Grey delighted in telling her of his happiness of the choice.
Lyliyana walked along at Hector's side, with Mr. Grey swinging along at her side being held by an ear. Lyliyana only hoped that Mayra liked the look! After all, best friend's opinions were the most important kind! As Lyliyana hunted down the Spanish beauty, her attention was taken by a piercing and tattoo parlor, Rebel Yells or some such thing.
Lyliyana skipped inside, introducing herself to everyone, as she'd never met Tattoo artists before. They'd had a microphone and she played with that, pretending to be a reporter as she'd went around to everyone, introducing herself. Mr. Grey had acted as camera man, sitting on the front counter. She'd managed to get a picture with a couple of them. Even the man who owned the shop had stopped to talk to her for a moment. He had the neatest tattoos and jewelry!
Lyliyana and the owner.
Before she'd left, they'd talked her into getting her belly button peirced! It had hurt, but Mr. Grey held her hand, and then she was all healed and it was so cute! Lyliyana bought some extra curved rings, so that she could change the color depending on what outfit she was wearing.
After that, it was off to the Carnival. She'd never been to this one, and Mr. Grey wanted to ride the Carousel. Maybe she would find Mayra along the way!