This thought played over and over in the young wereleopard's mind as he sat next to his most cherished Leopard Queen. Talk about being in the right place at the right time. thing still bugged him, as it was readable on his facial expressions. He should be glad that she came to his rescue, and he truly is....but....for some reason, he wasnt. Valcrists' attention turned towards looking out of the window, repeating that little mantra over and over within his young mind. Patsy couldnt very well be there all the time. He truly lucked out tonight, when she was. He had nary a clue as to what went down in that locker room, and its probably best that he didnt. And, therein lies the problem, Valcrist considered himself weak. He should've relied on himself more to handle that situation better. Three against one, sure, odds were in favor of him losing that conflict, still....he should've fought back......
The car finally came to a halt in front of the pard house. Quickly changing facial expressions, Valcrist was the first to get out of the car, followed by Bruno. Both of them stood beside Patsy's car door, extending a hand each while she got out. As she went up towards the house, Valcrist would help bruno with any luggage or bags that she may have had during the day and assisted with bringing them to the door. As soon as they all got inside, each person headed in their perspective directions. It was late, by the time they got home. Bedtime.......
Later that night.......
Valcrist slept in the same bed as his Leopard Queen that night, holding onto her for a sense of security, yet sleep didnt come to the young wereleopard as quickly as it came to most. Slowly getting out of the bed, so as not to wake the sleeping beauty, he tip-toed across plush carpeting and out into the hallway. His destination for the night? The Pard's Gym-like workout room. Shutting the door slowly, Valcrists mood then took a turn towards, well, being angry with himself as he went full strength into the punching bag with his fist "DAMMIT!" He said allowed, not realizing that may have woken up anyone in the house. Of course, at this moment, he didnt care as he kept striking, and striking that bag with all of his might, eyes focused on nothing in particular, but...well, if looks could kill, that punching bag would have burned to cinders, even his kitty cat was in an uproar.....