Valcrist hadn't visited the Lighthouse since the move, and subsequent surrender to Patsy, so it was high time he started visiting. One fateful night, a solitary promise had been made, yet Valcrist, the young wereleopard felt he lacked on his bargain. A heavy sigh was uttered as he stood at the front steps, leading into the grand house....home of Master Marcus and Mistress Shakti. He had grown to love the two, and, well. It was time to pay them a visit. His clothing would be something quite appropriate to fit the occasion. He was decked out in the elegant fineries purchased by one, Patsy Stone. Finally, the door opened as he stepped into the lush, elegant interior of the lighthouse. Eyes scanned the area, and soon, he found himself making his way towards the study, where MOST of the time, Marcus spent most of his time. Valcrist would pause to look over the ancient tomes of knowledge that littered the place; artifacts from many time periods long ago. All of it, certainly made the young wereleopard quite curious to his Master's history, but questions about that would come in due time......"Im here, Master.....Im...sorry I havent been able to come and see you when I wanted to, but I made time and....well.....where to begin with my experiences here, thus far......." (d)