Silents clock was off..The hour changes were still doing a number on her..So while she should of been sound asleep she had been roaming the woods and spending time in her cave rearranging what the critters had knocked over in her
absence. The full moon was tommorrow and she could feel something had changed in her...Not just emotionally...But something more.She felt entraced by the moon's song that sung softly to her on the breeze that came into the cave. This was her special place.
After a few hours she would make her way into the house moving from room to room to see those sleeping faces she held dear.From the living room where Cesco had fallen asleep watching some news report...Or at least that what was playing now..Grabbing the blanket from the chair she would throw it over him...She was happy he had joined the pack....He needed a great leader...No a true wolven king , like Ash in his life.Next she moved up the stairs where she could hear the hushed snores of Kangee,Lola, and Sean...Smiling some she would stop at Lyrics room...Her song bird...Someone she had truely missed most on this vacation.She would of gone in if not for the lingering scent of Kyle. Then Elenas room...Knocking softly to see if she was awake she would only be greeted with the the whiney tones to go away...
Then came the room she was dreading...Sirus's room. His scent was so strong here...As if he had just left the room to run down stairs for a food run.In her memory she could see him sprawled out on the bed laughing and smiling up at her...He hadnt even taken any of his things...Tommorrow she would come up here and box everything. Venny might want his own room. Shutting the door and the image of him out of her mind she would go on down stairs where everyone else slept...
Reaching the bedroom she shared with Ash, Cypress and Memphis, she would lean against the door fishing out that black velvet box. She didnt want to wake any of them up...Cypress looked truely happy.How beautiful she was curled up against Ash..Her small hand against his heart...How right she looked there.And memphis in all his glory curled close to Cypress so that he could reach out and touch Ash in his sleep taking the same comfort that Silent found in sleeping near them. The moonlight seemed to trickle in all the right ways over them making her wish she was a artist like Olivia had been...To paint a great picture of the trio..With a sigh she would move.
Her own place in the bed behind Ash called to her to come and join them...Nudging Ash some so that he would wake up enough to hear her as she grabbed his hand.
"I never truely got you.. your ulfric's gift.."
Pulling the ring from the case she would slip it over his ring finger. Smiling some...Perfect...She had been afraid it was going to be to small...Ross knew his shit didnt he.She would have to give him a extra few days of doing the books for him for this..It looked so ....right.
"And this kind of is your ulfric's gift...But in a way...Its a promise...You gave me the promise to never let me run alone again...And I give you the promise that you will never run alone...I will always be at your side or close behind. You will never fight alone...Because I am at your side ready to aid you. You will never have to fight your nightmares alone..Because I will be near you soothing you and chasing them away. You are my heart...And above all my ulfric.Youve given me so much...And all I can give is my word and this promise to remain with you."
Poor guy not even truely awake and having to wake up to one of Silent's rambblings.Biting her lip she would kiss his temple before curling up behind him. Her fingers laced with his, so that she could touch cypress and memphis.
The ring: *ring symbolizes the triumphant harmony of Nature and The Creator. The solid bronze central band reads "Deus Et Natura No Faciunt Frusta", which is Latin for "God and Nature do not work together in vain." The pewter edge inscription adds "Nature will always win through*
Jet lag or no jet lag, the Cheif had requested his precense at the station first thing in the morning, and his way of requesting was throwing a fit over the phone. So with the control that was his trademark he laid down and waited to fall asleep. By the time Silent came back from her walk he was lost in dreamland, mind racing through a dark world of beauty that was only his to imagine. Vaguely he could smell the scents of those in the bed with him, could feel them so near just as his beast was contently curled with its packmates. There were no walls between them, this makeshift family of vagabonds. His Geris sweaty palm clutched one of his legs, his Skoll pressed her head to his chest and made small noises in her sleep. But it wasn't these things that woke him. When Silent nudged him he began to swim towards consciousness, rolling over onto his back, careful not to disturb Cypress as he turned to look up at Silent. Those generous lips parted in a yawn. At first he had no idea what she was talking about. Ulfric gift? Had someone brought him a gift? The way she had come into the pack had been so unusual that by the time it was all said and done the Ulfric's gift had long been forgotten. Tattooed arms reached for her, pulling her in against him and making very nondescript soothing sounds to get her to join him in dreamland. With her scent mingling with his, her body fit so perfectly to his he could have slept for ages. But that internal alarm went off as usual when the sun had been up only a few hours. Ash was careful not to wake anyone when he slipped out of the bed and went to make coffee. The small weight of that ring was felt merely because it was so new there on his ring finger. A perfect band on his right ring finger, and it made her words from the night before come echoing back into his mind. Before going to work for the day he wrote a very simple note.
My greatest dreams I wake and find to be true. In life there is no greater gift than that. Love, family, and a home. It is all I have ever wanted. Ashes
::He might have thought he could escape so easy. Ash's warmth was gone. Cypress knew instantly, that he was up around. Inside she felt the stitches of her heart pull and tug with grief. He had been gone a week, a week. It was the worst week of her life. A frown pressed to lips pale as moonlight. Almost deathly pale at times, could she be. As if the sun never graced her skin. Cypress hurried from bed the moment Ash flicked on the coffee maker. The chirring sound, and the first instant drop into the pot.
Clothing were tossed on. Pants with so many chains, and a shirt long enough to hide most of her flesh. She was working with Sphinx today, once again. Something about carving up the bodies made Cypress relax. The whirlwind of Japanese Cherry Blossoms, foretold of her coming to Ash. The ring, was the fist thing noticed on his form. Pale hand reached out to caress the pewter metal. The scent of Silent lingered on it, before Cypress removed her hand.
"Will you take me to work, my Ulfric?"
Cypress did not think Ash a taxi. It was a rouse to be near him as possible. Hours, Cypress could handle. A week had been death. She would not tell him such. Cypress held her secrets as all did. She buried her secrets in her mind, suppressed them to give no one a reason to think otherwise. That was until Ash. He could read her better than anyone; as she could read him. He understood her deepest thoughts of death of life and all else.
When he was ready, Cypress would follow him to her car. Having given him a set of keys to Death Dealer. Cypress was only selfish in this possession. No one, besides her was allowed to drive her hearse, all but one man. Her Ulfric.::