Silent has stared at her cellphone for almost a hour...Playing over the words she wanted to say. Cause well she wasnt the best to voice out things. But they needed this. Evie was part of the misfit family that Ash had given her. Picking up her phone she would take a deep breath. "Evie...Its me...I mean its Silent.Wanna go get lunch one day this week? Im stuck on paper work duty this week so...Im free..That is if you are. Umm give me a call back....I would really like to...I dunno..Talk..Try and make a go at being friends?" Wow that was a bomb...But well...Baby steps...Silent was learning this whole play nice thing...Again.
Evie had been shocked to hear a message on her cellphone that wasn't about work or from Alex. The mentor man was just full of fun questions recently. Mostly, "how in God's name did you manage to do this?" And every now and then, the "are you on drugs, Evangeline?"
Even more shocking was the fact that the message was from Silent. A friendly message. And while the woman had been kind recently ( until Evie had dissapeared for a few days -- "working" aka hiding ), Evie was still waiting for the werewolf to attack her. Not call and invite her to lunch.
A few moments passed, before Evie decided on a whim to return the call. The phone rang, and when the message machine picked up, she offered a stop-and-start reply. "Hey, Silent. It's Evie. Just, y`know. Returning your call. From earlier. Sorry. I've been out of town, for ... work. And things. Uhm. Yeah. So, we should eat lunch together. And try the friend-thing. Because, who knows, it might be .. fun. So, uhm. Just give me a call when you wanna go. My days are pretty un-busy, unless I'm on a case. Which I'm not. So just, call me. Okay. Bye."
Was Silent happy when Evie called back? Yes. She honestly didnt think the woman would..Not with the past that stood between them. She smiled some..The woman was as nervous about this as she was...Good.
"Its Sil again...Lets aim for Saturday...Well go to the little Bistro across from the church or the sushi place Milo loves so much. Umm I guess Ill see you then around noon....And Lady...You need to quit running all the time...Spend more time around Salem."
Quit running? Oh Sil was someone to talk wasnt she?