artemis spent most of the day walking around. The motel she was staying at was making what little money she had, almost gone. So what was needed? A job. On top of that a new place to stay. The newspaper was opened to the housing section, and those shoes carried that teen around town. Asking questions and finding prices for the rents. she would ask people around town if they knew of anywhere that was hiring, many suggested the wiccan shop 13 moons others didn't know.she walked all over town looking for any place that had a sign for "help wanted" but not much luck and she also looked for renting communities but all were a bit high but this was not going to bum her out "eventually i'll find something". as the sun was starting to set she decided to head back to the motel,"i'm gonna head back to the motel my feet are killing me and i'm wiped out" she calls a taxi and heads back, tommorrow should bring new hope.
the search is over walking in the square, in a bistro near the cathedral artemis bumps into belle sinclaire and as if sent by the goddess herself , she becomes the answer to all her questions. as they chat and get to know each other artemis tells belle of the struggle of looking for a place to stay and a job but no luck in finding. being the kind hearted person the belle is she offers artemis the spare room in her house and says she will speak to gabrielle about a possible new waitress at beautiful agony's. "thanks to belle for being a total sweet heart for helping in a time of need."