Silent kinda felt bad calling the girl and asking favors....But so far Lilian was only non moon challenged friend she had. So picking up her cell. "Hey Lil B...Its Silent. The chic with the hair...I was woundering if you could keep my dog for a week...Gimme a call and tell me what ya think. "
Silent was sure if the girl knew what she was...But Lilian had a sister that had to get fuzzy..Perhaps she would understand.
After a long day at work, Lili finally was able to come home to a house she shared with a live electrical outlet. The female checked her messages.. hm, Silent. Lillian smiled to herself then called the "chick with the hair" back. Ahh.. They were playing phone tag.
``Sure! I'd love to take care of your dog.. Though, Jane may eat it.. I'll stay at a friend's house, don't worry.``